Vacation Bible School 2016 Sponsored by Chinese Community Church of South Bay

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, is offering a Vacation Bible School for children from June 24, 2016 to June 25, 2016 at the church premises. - June 14, 2016 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

Gifted Seven Year Old Teaches Adults the Importance of Music at Scientology Information Center

On June 4th, Mr. Maurice Mickens – the President of Harlem Nights, an organization supporting non-profits, invited his friends to the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater to gain support for the Harlem Nights “Art and Music” summer camp. The event showcased a young lady learning the flute who demonstrated the importance of music to people of all ages. - June 10, 2016 - Church of Scientology

New Cowboy Faith Shield Introduced by Lifestyle Brand "Cowboys of Faith"

New Cowboy Faith Shield developed to help Christians live better and more peaceful lives. - June 09, 2016 - Cowboys of Faith

Santa Barbara Nonprofit Becomes Member of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster

Institute for Congregational Trauma and Growth (ICTG) has been named an official member of National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD). Founded in 1970, NVOAD is an association of 100+ organizations aimed at mitigating and alleviating the impact of disasters nationwide. The NVOAD... - June 04, 2016 - Institute for Congregational Trauma and Growth (ICTG)

The Scientology Information Center Celebrates Diversity with Community

Friday May 27th the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater hosted a special reception during the “Blast Friday Concert” and the one year anniversary of the local Puerto Rican/Caribbean food restaurant, “La Fondita de Leo” from 6-10pm. - June 03, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Christian Publishing Company Will be Launching a New Interfaith Guide This Summer

Christian Publishing Company Will be Launching a New Interfaith Guide This Summer

A new interfaith guide will soon be available to the public. As the world seems to be searching for peace where ever it can be found, world leaders like Pope Francis have put inter-religious dialogue at the top of their agendas. Other religious leaders are also encouraging interfaith education in a move towards ecumenism and understanding. - June 02, 2016 - Search for Peace

Pastor Responds to the Transgender Directive from the White House

Frank Policastro, pastor of Real Life Church in Myrtle Beach, SC, in response to recent transgender directives from the White House, announced the formation of the Real Life Learning Academy. “We owe it to our children to provide a safe learning environment without the confusion of political... - June 02, 2016 - Real Life Church

2016 Provider Exchange® Launches Second Cohort at LSA Annual Conference

Focusing on Finding Families for Older Youth in Foster Care - May 31, 2016 - Lutheran Services in America

Dying to Be Free - The Compelling New Book Written by the Child of a Catholic Priest

Dying to Be Free - The Compelling New Book Written by the Child of a Catholic Priest

After an unexpected accident and near-death experience, Hannah Robinson found herself radically transforming her life, while a remarkable new insight altered her relationship with her father; a practising Catholic priest. - May 30, 2016 - Hannah Robinson

Old Time Radio Show Lovers in for a Treat at the Scientology Information Center

On June 12th 2016 the East Coast Golden Age Theatre will bring some old-fashioned fun with a theatrical presentation of the Pulp Fiction Classic “They Killed him Dead” by L. Ron Hubbard. The performance will take place from 3 – 5pm in the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater. The event is open to the community and includes audience participation. - May 28, 2016 - Church of Scientology

LifeEquip Announces Community Leader, Glenn C. Stewart, to Release Book About His Brain Tumor Diagnosis

Orlando (DeBary) Church Leader, Glenn C. Stewart, Diagnosed with Brain Tumor; Writes Book About the Experience - May 27, 2016 - LifeEquip, Inc.

"Be With You: Thoughtless Reality" by Shri Ramakant Maharaj - Now Available in Spanish

The Spanish translation of "Be With You: Thoughtless Reality" will introduce Spanish-speaking seekers throughout the world to Shri Ramakant Maharaj's teachings. - May 22, 2016 - Ramakant Maharaj

Local Networking Sparks Support for Community Center

On May 11th the Scientology Information Center located in the Historic Bank of Clearwater building hosted a reception for business professionals in support of economic community development. The networking sparked support for a local cause to help keep inner city youth off the streets during the summer of 2016. - May 19, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Lutheran Services in America Joins Grantmakers in Aging

Lutheran Services in America, Incorporated (LSA) has joined Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) as an associate member, aligning two national organizations dedicated to improving the lives of seniors in the U.S. “Lutherans are the largest faith-based group serving seniors today and we are honored to... - May 18, 2016 - Lutheran Services in America

West Coast Chinese Christian Conference Announces 2016 Winter Conference

Rev. Walter Lau and Rev. Gordon Sau Wah Siu to Speak for WCCCC at Mount Hermon - May 15, 2016 - West Coast Chinese Christian Conference

LSA Announces Partnership with Resilience AmeriCorps to Help Underserved Communities be Better Prepared for Shocks and Stresses

Lutheran Services in America, Incorporated (LSA) announces a partnership with the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), the federal agency that administers AmeriCorps VISTA, to participate in the Resilience AmeriCorps program. This new initiative helps communities plan and... - May 15, 2016 - Lutheran Services in America

Women Empowerment Week

Local author and motivational speaker, Stephinie R. Johnson has declared 5/15/2016-5/21/2016 to be “Women Empowerment Week.” This is a widespread social media event which will allow users from all around the globe to support women and help to increase the empowerment and encouragement of women who suffer from domestic violence. - May 13, 2016 - Poetic Representations Co., LLC

The 66th Anniversary of Dianetics Celebrated in Clearwater at the Scientology Information Center

The Scientology Information Center celebrates the Anniversary of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health published on May 9th, 1950 written by L. Ron Hubbard during the month of May at 500 Cleveland Street. - May 13, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Family Bonds Celebrated with Concert at Scientology Information Center

Per one in four children in the US are being raised by a single parent – a percentage that has been on the rise and is higher than other developed countries. Rapid changes in American family structure over the many decades have altered the concept of what is considered a “traditional” family, becoming more complex and multifaceted. - May 07, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Celebrating 2016 Friendship Day

Friendship Agape Church to offer special musical program, uplifting message and fellowship lunch on Sunday, May 15, 2016. - May 05, 2016 - Friendship Agape Church

The Lord Put A Ring On It

With all of the media frenzy over diversity at the Oscars this year, LPAROI productions is proud to feature an all African American Cast for the highly anticipated Romantic Christian Comedy Drama coming to theaters Spring 2016. - May 02, 2016 - Lord Put a Ring on It (LPAROI)

Creatio Pilgrims Embark on 1700Km Pilgrimage from Rome to Krakow

Creatio, a Denver-based non-profit, is sending a group of young men on a 1700Km pilgrimage to answer Pope Francis' call for the Year of Mercy by walking from Rome, Italy to Krakow, Poland. This pilgrimage is officially sponsored by the Vatican Pontifical Council for the Laity and the Archdiocese of... - May 01, 2016 - Creatio

Christian Evangelist Releases New Book Depicting His Life with Apert Syndrome

Dorsey Ross is a Christian evangelist who was born with Apert Syndrome. Despite the difficulties involved, his parents persevered, and Dorsey went on to grow, and launch a successful ministry where he has reached countless people for the Kingdom of God. - May 01, 2016 - Dorsey Ross Ministries

Environmentalists Speak Out About Earth Related Issues at Historic Bank of Clearwater for Earth Day

On April 22nd, environmental speakers, activists, and concerned citizens joined together to acknowledge those protecting the Earth and encouraged renewed efforts at the Earth Day reception held at the Historic Bank of Clearwater, Downtown Clearwater from 6-8pm. - April 29, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Historic Bank of Clearwater Helps Local Businesses Beat Early Signs of Recession

On April 13th, in light of questions of a possible recession, like-minded business owners, professionals and entrepreneurs from various fields met at the monthly business reception at the Historic Bank of Clearwater, Downtown Clearwater from 6-8pm. - April 23, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Quaker State to Chime in on Migration Crisis: Worldwide Rally

Students, refugees and activists will gather in Philadelphia to bring awareness to the escalating humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and the Caucasus. The rally will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2016 from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm across from the Liberty Bell at People’s Plaza, 5th and Market Streets, Philadelphia, Pa. - April 22, 2016 - Refuge Now North America

Tampa Church Will Feed the Homeless with the Fruits of Their Labor During One Year Anniversary Celebration - May 21, 2016 @ 11:00AM

Tampa Church Will Feed the Homeless with the Fruits of Their Labor During One Year Anniversary Celebration - May 21, 2016 @ 11:00AM

Mount Olive Church will feed and clothe the needy in the Community. - April 19, 2016 - Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church

Scientology Information Center Brings Together Conservationists and Wild-Life Enthusiasts to Celebrate Earth Day

On Friday April 22nd local conservationists, wildlife enthusiasts, and earth-conscious members of the community are coming together to celebrate Earth Day at the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater, from 6:00-8:00 pm. - April 16, 2016 - Church of Scientology

French Edition of "Selfless Self," a Companion to Nisargadatta's "I Am That" - Out Now

"Le Soi Sans Rien," the French Translaton of "Selfless Self," just published, is an important book from the Self-Realized Master, Shri Ramakant Maharaj who spent nearly 20 years with the legendary Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. - April 16, 2016 - Ramakant Maharaj

Stillpoint Tackles Stress in Las Vegas by Bringing Free "5 Minutes to Less Stress" to a Workplace Near You

Stillpoint thinks Las Vegan’s are too stressed and is doing something about it. “With our 24-hour city, round-the-clock shift workers, and customer service mentality, it is easy to become stressed and overwhelmed with the demands of work and family,” says Executive Director Brian Neely. “I’m offering free ‘5 Minutes to Less Stress’ presentations to organizations in the valley who want to positively impact the mental well-being of their staff or clients." - April 14, 2016 - Stillpoint Center for Spiritual Development

Ratha Yatra: Dallas’ Ancient Festival of Chariots

Ratha Yatra (Festival of the Chariots), one of India’s most ancient and most popular festivals, a sacred day for Hindus worldwide, will be celebrated with a parade at Kalachandji's Hare Krishna Temple and will culminate in a festival and free vegetarian feast. All are welcome and admission is free. - April 09, 2016 - Kalachandji's Hare Krishna Temple

The Church of Scientology Salutes Community Volunteers

On Thursday the 12th of April in honor of National Volunteer Month, volunteers from Consumer Energy Solutions will be recognized for their volunteerism in the community at the Scientology Information Center in Downtown Clearwater for their tireless work in the community. - April 09, 2016 - Church of Scientology

The Jewish-American Hall of Fame Announces That Its 47th Annual Inductee is Radio and Television Pioneer Gertrude Berg (Better Known as Molly Goldberg)

The Jewish-American Hall of Fame was founded in 1969; it is a division of the non-profit American Jewish Historical Society (founded in 1892). Every year it inducts one or occasionally two noteworthy men or woman in various fields. Past honorees include Albert Einstein, George Gershwin and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. - April 09, 2016 - Jewish-American Hall of Fame

New York Land Developer Elie Hirschfeld Gives Back to Community by Adopting a Highway

New York Land Developer Elie Hirschfeld Gives Back to Community by Adopting a Highway

Philanthropist and Hirschfeld Properties president Elie Hirschfeld has adopted a portion of New York's Grand Central Parkway Exit 23 at Cross Island Parkway. "Our roads are the gateways to our communities. The way they appear is often the first impression visitors get; why not make those the best they can be," Hirschfeld said. - April 06, 2016 - Hirschfeld Properties

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades Service Auction 2016

Please join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades (UUCP) for their annual service auction on Saturday, April 9th at 7:00 PM. Come and enjoy a live and silent auction presented by a professional auctioneer. Some items included are musical events, dinners, restaurant/service... - April 06, 2016 - The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades (UUCP)

10th Year of Restoring, Healing and Restoration

Saved Souls Ministries holds it's 10th Women's Conference at Hilton Garden Inn at Kent Island. A weekend that transforms the beautiful Hilton Garden Inn into an oasis of renewal for women. - April 02, 2016 - Saved Souls Ministries

Chabad of Southside to Host 11th Annual Community Passover Seder "Relive the Passover Exodus" with Rabbi Novack

Who: Chabad of Southside; What: Chabad’s Community Passover Seder; When: April 22nd and 23rd; Where: Chabad of Southside, 11271 Alumni Way, Jacksonville, FL 32246. - March 31, 2016 - Chabad Lubavitch of Southside, Inc.

New Scientology Information Center a Hub for Local Networking

On April 13th the Scientology Information Center, located at 500 Cleveland Street will be hosting a reception which will provide a forum for networking, as well as educational information about the Church. The reception will be from 6-8pm. There is no cost to attend. - March 31, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Chinese Community Church of South Bay Easter Celebration Program 2016

The Chinese Community Church of South Bay, located in the Torrance area of Los Angeles County, will be hosting a special Easter Celebration Program this year from March 20, 2016 to March 27, 2016. - March 25, 2016 - Chinese Community Church of South Bay

World Class Pianist Inspires Happiness at the Scientology Information Center

On March 20th, in honor of the International Day of Happiness, Ms. Kathy Roberts, an accomplished pianist and a Dunedin Bon Appetit fixture since 2002, performed everything from Beethoven to Pink Floyd on the baby grand piano at the downtown Clearwater Scientology Information Center located in the 1918 Clearwater Bank Building. Dozens of residents and neighbors filled the lobby of the historic building to hear Ms. Roberts play their favorite songs. - March 25, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Modern Day Elmer Gantry Film in the Works: an Edgy Look at Religion Rocks the Boat

Former faith-healer turned movie-maker Richard Rossi is making his own 21st Century film version of the archetypal story of an Elmer Gantryish lusty, con-man preacher. The movie, entitled "Canaan Land," is in pre-production, raising funds on GoFundMe as Rossi polishes his script with... - March 24, 2016 - Richard Rossi

New Book: "Be With You" from Self-Realized Master Shri Ramakant Maharaj – Out Now

"Be With You - Thoughtless Reality" is a unique book of spontaneous quotations from Shri Ramakant Maharaj, direct disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj. Drops of nectar from this rare Master have the power to awaken and transform seekers. - March 20, 2016 - Ramakant Maharaj

L. Ron Hubbard’s Birthday Celebrated at the Scientology Information Center

In honor of the 105th birthday of Scientology’s Founder, Mr. L. Ron Hubbard (born March 13th, 1911) the Scientology Information Center has been highlighting biographical vignettes about Mr. Hubbard. The showings began on March 1st and will continue through March 31st at 500 Cleveland Street in Downtown Clearwater between 10am-10pm daily. - March 18, 2016 - Church of Scientology

Little Church Fights a Big Fight Against Homelessness

PUMC is a small church, with a big heart. This church supports the homeless throughout the year. They gather needed items to donate to the Hundred Nights Homeless Shelter. They arrange tailgate dinners to cover for Friendly Kitchen soup kitchen when it is closed, so no one goes hungry on the... - March 18, 2016 - PUMC

Nashville Religion Communicators Council Discusses Roles of Women

The Nashville Chapter of the Religion Communicators Council holds bi-monthly meetings to discuss hot topics and have deep discussions on what is happening in the world today. - March 12, 2016 - Religion Communicators Council

The 4.2.20 Foundation Appoints Dr. Randall Buth and Dr. Charles Madinger as New Program Vice Presidents

Dr. David Swarr, on behalf of the Board of Directors, announced today the appointment of Dr. Randall Buth as Vice President of the Institute for Biblical Languages and Translation, and Dr. Charles Madinger as Vice President of the Center for Oral Scriptures. The Institute and the Center are two... - March 12, 2016 - 4.2.20 Foundation

Well-Known Local Pianist Spreading Happiness Through Music at the Scientology Information Center

On Sunday March 20th esteemed pianist Kathy Roberts performs for the first time at the Scientology Information Center in honor of the International Day of Happiness. The event will take place at 500 Cleveland Street in Downtown Clearwater, from 6-8pm. - March 11, 2016 - Church of Scientology

"Small Church with a Big Heart" Shows Big Changes in Newly Released Annual Report

You wouldn’t know it as you drive by, barely noticing the little church set back from the road in the middle of town, but this tiny church packs a big punch. The release of their 2015 Annual Report has set the tone for the year to come, changing from static black and white reports to a... - March 10, 2016 - PUMC

Elie Hirschfeld Donates $18,000 to the Jewish Community of Rome, Inspired by Visit with Pope

Elie Hirschfeld Donates $18,000 to the Jewish Community of Rome, Inspired by Visit with Pope

When Elie Hirschfeld and his wife Dr. Sarah Schlesinger visited Rome to meet the Pope in January, they were so taken by the warmth of the Jewish community in Rome. Today they announced a $18,000 to the Jewish Community of Rome. - March 07, 2016 - Hirschfeld Properties

All Are Welcome to the Scientology Public Information Center Open House on March 25th

On Friday, March 25th, the Scientology Public Information Center will host its next Open House reception of 2016 during the “Blast Friday” event on Cleveland Street from 5-10pm. The Center is located at 500 Cleveland Street in Downtown Clearwater. - March 03, 2016 - Church of Scientology

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