Savannah Economic Development Authority Contributes to Technology Association of Georgia’s Economic Gardening Program

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) today announced that the Savannah Economic Development Authority (SEDA) has pledged $15,000 to the Economic Gardening program in the Coastal Georgia Economic Development District. This contribution is in addition to the $100,000 investment TAG has brought... - October 01, 2010 - TAG think

GGC, TAG Partner to Enhance Student Experience

Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) unites with Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) to offer TAG memberships to students. - October 01, 2010 - TAG think

Online Access Still Available to Top-Level CFO Summit

Panels at the event will be discussing the role of the CFO and risk management, issues confronted by women in finance, and building financial management capacity in business. - September 30, 2010 - ACCA

Georgia to Host Healthcare Information Technology Leadership Summit in November

The Metro Atlanta Chamber, TAG Health and the Georgia Department of Economic Development announced today that they will jointly host the Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Leadership Summit on November 9, 2010. - September 29, 2010 - TAG think

ACCA Launches New Framework for Approved Study Content

Change to flexible system will see students studying a wider range of alternative content appropriate to their studies. - September 29, 2010 - ACCA

MBMA Releases Fire Resistance Design Guide for Metal Building Systems

MBMA has released the 2010 Fire Resistance Design Guide for Metal Building Systems, which details how to effectively meet fire-resistance requirements of a project with metal building systems. - September 27, 2010 - Metal Building Manufacturers Association

Famed Author and Organizing Expert Julie Morgenstern to Speak at NAPO-NY Chapter Meeting in October

Ms. Morgenstern, a leading organizing and time management expert, will share her insights concerning the future of the Professional Organizing industry at October 4th meeting. - September 27, 2010 - NAPO-NY

Octo Telematics Joins CVTA

The Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA), is pleased to announce that Octo Telematics has joined its organization and Nino Tarantino has been elected to its Board of Directors. CVTA is a non-profit business league established to facilitate interaction and advance the interests of entities... - September 26, 2010 - Connected Vehicle Trade Association

IVPA Member, Child Family Health International (CFHI) Convenes Forum on the Empowerment of Women

International Volunteer Programs Association (IVPA) member, Child Family Health International (CFHI) recently convened a forum at the United Nations on the Empowerment of Women. Held in New York City on September 15th, the forum focused on the need for greater investment in women and girls to... - September 24, 2010 - International Volunteer Programs Association

Micah Robbins Signs on as Co-Chair for Broward County's Premier Networking Alliance (PNA) Festival of the Flutes

Micah Robbins, executive director of Drug Free Youth in Town (DFYIT), has signed on as co-chair of Festival of the Flutes 2010, joining Scott Brook of Premier Networking Alliance (PNA) to help lead a team of volunteers for the 7th annual food and wine fundraiser.   Festival of the Flutes 2010,” a gala Fall Costume Ball event, will be held on Friday, October 29, at 8 p.m. (6:30 for VIP) at the Coral Springs Heron Bay Marriott Hotel in South Florida. - September 24, 2010 - Premier Networking Alliance

Festival of the Flutes 2010 Event, Sponsored by Broward County's Premier Networking Alliance (PNA) to be Held October 29

Premier Networking Alliance’s 7th Annual food and wine fundraiser “Festival of the Flutes 2010,” a gala Fall Costume Ball event, will be held on Friday, October 29, at 8 p.m. (6:30 for VIP) at the Coral Springs Heron Bay Marriott Hotel. The event will feature food, wine tastings and entertainment and will benefit several local charities in Broward County, Florida. - September 24, 2010 - Premier Networking Alliance

NPSA Launches 2010 Portable Storage Industry Survey

Industry-wide survey seeks to determine size and strength of portable storage industry. - September 24, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

WoodWorks Honors Regional Architects, Engineers at Chicago Wood Solutions Fair

Outstanding projects in Illinois, Minnesota and Wisconsin were recognized with 2010 Wood Design Awards - September 24, 2010 - WoodWorks

IRgA Co-Locates with International Sign Expo 2011 at Mandalay Bay

The International Reprographic Association (IRgA) has partnered with the International Sign Association (ISA) to provide its attendees and exhibitors increased value in one central location. The co-location will provide exposure to vertical markets that have historically not integrated. “The... - September 23, 2010 - IRgA

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Releases Podcast on Pets and "People Food"

Dr. David Linzey Discusses Which Foods Are Safe and Unsafe for Pets - September 23, 2010 - NCVMA

Charity Golf Event Approaches Cut-Off Time for Buying Golf Balls

Valuable prizes will be awarded at NSCC’s First Annual Helicopter Ball Drop at Charity Golf Tournament September 24 - September 23, 2010 - North Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce

Motorcoach Council Eligible for $250,000 Pepsi Refresh Project Grant

If awarded the grant, the Motorcoach Council will create a national public awareness campaign to demonstrate the tangible ways in which traveling by motorcoach reduces green house gas emissions and congestion on our nation’s roadways, and reduces the risks associated with climate change. Beginning in October, the public can vote daily for the Council's grant idea at - September 22, 2010 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

CT REIA Announces the (7th Annual) 2010 New England Real Estate Investors Conference and Trade Show from October 29 to 31

On October 29 to 31, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. will be hosting the (7th Annual) 2010 New England Real Estate Investors Conference & Trade Show in Meriden, CT. This event is designed for new and experienced real estate investors. - September 22, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

The Chairmen’s Roundtable Partners with Entrepreneurs’ Organization

EO San Diego and CRT team up to support local business community - September 21, 2010 - Chairmen's RoundTable

NAWBO San Diego October Seminar Focuses on Charisma

NAWBO San Diego's seminar series will continue on October 8 with a presentation from Cynthia Burnham, Powerful Presence: Charisma for Immediate Impact. - September 20, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association Recognizes Best Landscaping Projects in Texas

2010 Texas Excellence in Landscaping Awards - The Texas Nursery & Landscape Association (TNLA) honored excellence in landscaping this year at its annual awards dinner held at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas during the Nursery/Landscape Expo. - September 18, 2010 - Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

NPSA Celebrates Container Industry Economic Outlook

The National Portable Storage Association (NPSA), a nonprofit membership association dedicated to the advancement of the portable storage industry, is celebrating the end of the recession for the container industry. - September 18, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Charity Golf Tournament Proclaims: It’s Raining Golf Balls

NSCC to hold its First Annual Helicopter Ball Drop at its Third Annual Charity Golf Tournament September 24 - September 18, 2010 - North Scottsdale Chamber of Commerce

International Mobile Monday Organization Announces Mobile Monday Michigan

The Michigan branch of the Helsinki, Finland-based International Mobile Monday organization today announced the addition of a new chapter to be based in the Metro Detroit area, as well as the debut of its’ new, mobile-optimized websites. - September 17, 2010 - Mobile Monday Michigan

Singapore Faces Critical Skills Shortage in Finance and Accounting, Says ACCA and Robert Half

Employers proactively addressing the shortage but more needs to be done to retain highly mobile talent - September 16, 2010 - ACCA

CSIA Announces DEMOgala Line-Up Gubernatorial Forum and Technology’s Brightest Lead the Agenda for October Event

CSIA, Colorado’s Technology Association is announcing DEMOgala 2010, the region’s largest technology conference, that includes speakers from Associated Content, Oracle, SimpleGeo, CareerBuilder, TrendVentures and several others. - September 16, 2010 - CSIA, Colorado's Technology Association

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces New Women Real Estate Investors Assn. Meeting On September 22

On Wednesday, September 22, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CT REIA) will be hosting a new Women Real Estate Investors Association (WREIA) meeting. The Women Real Estate Investors Association is an organization designed specifically for women to educate, empower and encourage women to invest in real estate. - September 16, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Mobile Monday Chicago Brings “Designing for the iPad” Event to Evanston

Chicagoland mobile industry professionals and enthusiasts will convene in downtown Evanston, IL on Monday, September 20th for the next Mobile Monday Chicago event. The meeting – which will take place at the Hotel Orrington – will focus on designing for the iPad. “We’re... - September 15, 2010 - Mobile Monday - Chicago

Technology Association of Georgia Selects Director of Economic and Community Resources

The Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) has announced today that Chelsea Arkin has been hired as Director of Economic and Community Resources for the organization. In this role, Arkin is responsible for producing the State of the Industry: Technology in Georgia Report. This report, which is... - September 12, 2010 - TAG think

Arizona Self-Storage Association Appoints New Executive Director

Board of Directors Appoints Anne Mari DeCoster as New Executive Director - September 12, 2010 - Arizona Self Storage Association

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Releases Podcast on Commercial Dog Breeding Operations

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association ( has announced the release of a podcast discussing commercial dog breeding operations, commonly known as puppy mills. In the podcast, Dr. Brenda Stevens, a clinical assistant professor at N.C. State University’s School... - September 12, 2010 - NCVMA

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CTREIA) Announces New Investment Property Coaching Program Starting on October 6, 2010

On Wednesday, October 6, 2010 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association (CTREIA) will be starting the Fall 2010 session of its investment property coaching program. This program is for anyone interested in buying and managing apartment buildings, multi-family homes, and any other types of investment properties. - September 11, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Self Storage Promotions’ Jennifer LeClaire to Present at NPSA Conference

The National Portable Storage Association (NPSA) has selected Jennifer LeClaire to present a social media and seminar at its 8th Annual Conference and Expo at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. from November 7-9, 2010. - September 11, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces September 2010 Monthly Meeting With Alan Cowgill

On Monday, September 20, the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting its monthly meeting with Alan Cowgill. Attendees will learn how to find funding for residential and commercial properties. - September 10, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

Nearly $26 Million Invested in Saginaw

In the 2nd quarter of 2010, Saginaw Future (SF) assisted eight companies that invested nearly $26 million, creating 52 jobs and retaining 62 jobs. Expansions · ADM Edible Bean Specialties plans to construct a new Blumfield Township processing facility, which consists of a new four-story,... - September 09, 2010 - Saginaw Future

Raleigh Regional Association of REALTORS® to Host Safety Seminar

Local Real Estate Association Addresses Safety Concerns on the Job - September 09, 2010 - RRAR

DOT Specialist to Present at 2010 NPSA Conference & Trade Show

The Eighth Annual NPSA Conference and Tradeshow will feature David Medeiros of the Rhode Island State Police. He will offer insights into DOT compliance issues. - September 08, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

NPSA Launches Global E-Container

The NPSA has launched the Global e-container, a digital supplement to its quarterly newsletter. - September 05, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Encinitas Lifestyles Fashion Show

Who: The Downtown Encinitas MainStreet Association and Jeans4Justice present the 3rd Annual Encinitas Lifestyles Fashion Show. What: The Encinitas Lifestyles Fashion Show is a community event that highlights local fashion designers, boutiques, salons, artists and models. This show is a fundraiser for an Encinitas High School Scholarship and Jeans4Justice programs. WHEN: Saturday, September 25, 2010 from 5pm-8pm WHERE: 710 S. Coast Hwy 101 in downtown Encinitas - September 04, 2010 - Downtown Encinitas MainStreet Association

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Releases Podcast on Spaying and Neutering Pets

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association ( has announced the release of a podcast discussing the benefits of spaying or neutering pets. In the podcast Dr. Sue Stephens, a veterinarian at the Animal Hospital of Clemmons in Clemmons, N.C., discusses what questions dog... - September 02, 2010 - NCVMA

NPSA Announces 2010 Tradeshow Golf Event

The Eighth Annual NPSA Conference and Tradeshow will feature a golf tournament on one of the most stunning courses in Florida. - September 01, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

Potential Banana Skin for Government in Pensions Reform, Says ACCA

Second consultation on pensions taxation reform ends Friday - August 28, 2010 - ACCA

The Thrill Lives on — Tribute to the King of Pop

Riverside Downtown Partnership partners with the California Riverside Ballet and the City of Riverside to pay tribute to the King of Pop. - August 27, 2010 - Riverside Downtown Partnership

NAWBO San Diego's September Meeting Focuses on Guerrilla Publicity

San Francisco PR guru, Jill Lublin, will be the featured speaker at the September 15 NAWBO San Diego lunch meeting. Her topic will be Guerrilla Publicity: Connect With the Media for $50K in Free PR. Learn more and register at - August 27, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

Large Scale ALTO/P4P Field Trial Affirms Performance Improvements for Broadband Networks

Large Scale ALTO/P4P Field Trial Affirms Performance Improvements for Broadband Networks

China Telecom Sees Enhanced Network Efficiencies and Increased Delivery Speeds. - August 26, 2010 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

NPSA Readies 2010 Member Directory

The NPSA is preparing to publish its 2010 Member Directory. Advertisers can reach the membership, as well as large national construction companies and retail operators. - August 25, 2010 - National Portable Storage Association

TAG Education Collaborative Announces New Website

TAG Education Collaborative (TAG-ED) has announced the launch of their new website at The user-friendly site offers information about the organization’s operation, programs, events, as well as resource information and news. “This site is an effort to provide... - August 25, 2010 - TAG think

More Than 6,000 Students Take Major Step Towards Becoming ACCA Members

6,213 students have successfully completed their final ACCA exams. - August 25, 2010 - ACCA

North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association Names 2010-2011 Board of Directors

The North Carolina Veterinary Medical Association (NCVMA) ( has announced the organization’s 2010-2011 board of directors. The board of directors was elected during the NCVMA’s Appalachian Mountain Veterinary Conference, which was held June 24-27 at the Grove Park... - August 25, 2010 - NCVMA

Connecticut Real Estate Investors Assn. (CT REIA) Announces All-Day Bankruptcy Investment Seminar on 08/28/10

On Saturday August 28, 2010 the Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association will be hosting an all-day seminar with Mark Klee. Attendees will learn how to benefit from the increasing amount of bankruptcies. - August 23, 2010 - Connecticut Real Estate Investors Association - CTREIA

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