SPI Announces Addition of Spain Session to Study Abroad Language Immersion Programs in Summer 2012

Leading high school study abroad program offers new summer opportunities for teens to study Spanish in Spain. - September 23, 2011 - SPI Study Abroad

Leading Women’s Success Coach Brings Expertise to LA and TX

Dr. Vidushi Babber opens success coaching services to assist women in professional and personal development. - September 23, 2011 - PRNCoach.com

Elite AMBT is Offering Their Botox Training Seminar in Toronto on October 15, 2011 to Entire Teams of Cosmetic Clinics

Elite AMBT has just announced that there will be a Botox training seminar in Toronto on Oct 8, 2011. The certification center is extending the invitation to entire teams that work together in a clinic setting. There are many advantages to clinics attending a course together. A seminar is a... - September 23, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Has Announced That Their Dermal Filler Training Course is Visiting Toronto on Oct 15

Elite AMBT has just announced that their dermal filler training seminar will be visiting Toronto on October 15, 2011. This course will certify medical aesthetician students in one day, and they can implement their techniques on their own patients, immediately after the successful completion of the... - September 23, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

SOE Software Hosts Online Election Results for Mecklenburg County, NC

City of Charlotte Holds Mecklenburg County Primary Election - September 23, 2011 - SOE Software

SOE Software Hosts Online Election Results for Florida Counties

St. Johns County, Putnam County, and Duval County Hold Special Primary Election - September 23, 2011 - SOE Software

Affirmative Action Training to Satisfy Federal Contractor Obligation

This training session is designed to educate managers and supervisors on the company’s basic Affirmative Action obligations and their role in ensuring compliance. - September 23, 2011 - The Industry Calendar

Crack Into the Next Big Technology Company with Technical Interviews Demystified

Faqden labs is pleased to announce the release of “Technical Interviews Demystified.” Launch of this app presents a new way to prepare for your next big Technical Interview. Built by students of MIT and Cornell, this app uses the latest Artificial Intelligence and Web Semantics... - September 23, 2011 - FaqdenLabs

To Degree or Not to Degree? eLearners.com’s Guide Helps Prospective Students Answer the Question

New guide provides information about types, benefits and options for non-credit online classes for college. - September 23, 2011 - eLearners.com

The Robert F. and Eleonora W. McCabe Foundation Presents Check to The Learning Alliance

The Learning Alliance recently received a check for 25,000. Funds will be used to support the literacy programs implemented by The Learning Alliance in 13 elementary schools. - September 23, 2011 - The Learning Alliance

HeartShare Human Services is Reaccredited by COA

William R. Guarinello, President and CEO of HeartShare Human Services of New York, announced today that the nonprofit organization has been reaccredited by the Council on Accreditation (COA). COA accreditation attests that HeartShare meets the highest national standards and is delivering the best... - September 23, 2011 - HeartShare Human Services of NY

Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication, Dept. of Film & Video Production Announces Scholarship Programme 2011

Sri Aurobindo centre for arts and communication announces three scholarships for its full time 16-month course in Film & Video Production. - September 22, 2011 - Sri Aurobindo Centre for Arts & Communication

Diversity Community Foundation (DCF) Continues the Fight Against Hunger in Today’s Youth

DCF BackPack Buddy Program will be accepting food donations at Kroger on Martin Luther King Jr Blvd on Saturday, September 21 from 10am to 2pm. This is an opportunity for the community to come together in unity to assist in stamping out hunger. Bulk donations from other stores will be accepted. Monetary donations will also be accepted. You can sponsor a BackPack for a child for only $30 per month. - September 22, 2011 - Diversity Community Foundation

Tutors International Announces Retirement of Founding Partner David Spencer, Twelve Years After the Private Tuition Company Was Formed

David Spencer, founding partner of Tutors International, has retired from the private tuition company in order to dedicate more time to writing. - September 22, 2011 - Tutors International

Health Education Solutions Launches Healthcare Heroes Contest

Winner determined by votes earned for Hero Stories, receives free healthcare certification. - September 22, 2011 - Health Education Solutions

AnyTime® Organizer, the Ultimate Collections of Organizational Tools, Now Syncs with Google

Individual Software, the #1 best selling organizer software publisher for over 10 years, is pleased to announce the release of its newest version, AnyTime Organizer Deluxe Version 14. - September 22, 2011 - Individual Software

ResumeMaker® Offers 5 Easy Ways to Write the Perfect Resume

Individual Software, the leader for over 20 years in designing effective resume software, has just released ResumeMaker Professional, a timely, recession-proof tool. - September 22, 2011 - Individual Software

Youth Organizer is Calling All Kids to Mendham Walks for TS on November 19th

Registration is now open for the second annual 5K walk and family fun run at Mendham Borough Park and is set to benefit the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome. - September 22, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Elite AMBT is Inviting New Students to the Botox Training Seminar on September 24, 2011

Elite AMBT (Aesthetic Medical & Business Training) has announced that their Botox training seminar in Denver on September 24th is available to new students. Anyone who has considered starting a career in the lucrative and satisfying field of medical cosmetics can enroll in a seminar, to achieve... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Has Announced a New Dermal Filler Training Seminar in Denver on September, 24 2011

Elite AMBT has just announced that they are offering a dermal filler training seminar in Denver on September 24, 2011. This seminar can be taken along with the Botox training seminar, which is offered on the same day. The benefit of this seminar is that students will be certified for basic and... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT is Offering Botox Training in New York on Oct 8, 2011

Elite AMBT has just released a new seminar for Botox Training in New York on October 8, 2011. This course is ideal for new practitioners or experienced medical aestheticians, who are looking to expand their services, and learn more about this trending procedure. Botox treatments are gaining... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Elite AMBT Has Announced a New Dermal Filler Training Course in New York on Oct 8, 2011

Elite AMBT, the medical cosmetic training and certification provider, has just announced a new dermal filler training seminar, which will take place in New York on October 8, 2011. A seminar is a great way to achieve certifications for popular cosmetic treatments, while spending a day with... - September 22, 2011 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Grooming New Entrepreneurs

The Center for Ethics in Free Enterprise (CEFE) releases its newest free eBook Guerilla Entrepreneurship: The Original authored by Dr. Fred DiUlus. - September 22, 2011 - Global Academy Online, Inc.

A Meditation Workshop to Living Joyously by Inner Metamorphosis University in Chicago

Inner Metamorphosis University (IMU) cordially invites you to be present at their “Freedom Lies Beyond The Mind” meditation workshop at their meditation center situated in Chicago Rogers Park. The workshop will be conducted on Sunday, October 30th 2011 from 1:30pm to 6:30pm facilitated... - September 22, 2011 - Inner Metamorphosis University

Forest Trail Academy Earns SACS CASI Accreditation

Dedicated to advancing excellence in education through accreditation, research, and professional services, AdvancED is the world's largest education community, serving and engaging over 27,000 public and private schools and districts in 69 countries and serving nearly 16 million students. - September 22, 2011 - Forest Trail Academy

Agriculture Students Exceed Marathon Expectations

Walford and North Shropshire College Agriculture students successfully ploughed over 80 hectares in their 24 hour ploughing marathon. The students started ploughing at 4.00pm on Thursday 15th September and were still going strong when the Autumn Action event closed at 4.00pm on Friday 16th September. - September 22, 2011 - North Shropshire College

Personal Trainers Turn to Technology to Reach Clients During Tough Economic Times

Personal Trainers Turn to Technology to Reach Clients During Tough Economic Times

A growing reliance on social media, and other web 2.0 marketing avenues have fitness professionals scrambling for answers when flyers and business cards just aren’t working any more. - September 21, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

An Interactive Celebrity Chef Culinary Tour - Three Celebrity Chefs Share Secret Recipes & Stories from Their Childhood

An Interactive Celebrity Chef Culinary Tour - Three Celebrity Chefs Share Secret Recipes & Stories from Their Childhood

From Culinary Bad Boy Productions, Chef Chris Nirschel has reunited with self-taught culinary wunderkind and acclaimed Mama’s Boy, Chef Vic Vegas along with the Queen of Spice, Chef Susie Jimenez in an all access look at the recipes from Childhood, that defined the methods that they are... - September 21, 2011 - Culinary Bad Boy Productions

"Revibe" a New Company for a New Sound - "Contemporary-Retro" - Music That's Raw, Stripped Back, Edgy. A Revibe 60's Sound - "Underproduced."

"Contemporary-Retro" or "Revibe" is a new genre of music and was conceived in 2011 by Nemo Shaw and his Management Team aka "Revibe". Presented on Leonard Cohen's 77th Birthday, September 21! - September 21, 2011 - Revibe

38 Cardinal Fitness Locations Convert to Orland Park, IL-Based Charter Fitness Brand

Orland Park, IL-based Charter Fitness Franchising LLC is rebranding 38 Cardinal Fitness health club locations into the Charter Fitness brand. The conversion will include clubs in Chicagoland, Northwest Indiana and downstate Illinois, and will have no effect on ownership or local management of the... - September 21, 2011 - Charter Fitness

The Scoop on Tough Cookies - Queendom.com Releases Results of Their Research on Mental Toughness

Queendom.com reveals how the trait of mental toughness can affect both physical and psychological health. - September 21, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Sagemont, a Broward County Private School, Partners with Backpacks for ‘Bama

Sagemont, a private school serving Cooper City, Miramar, Davie and all West Broward, partners with Backpacks for ‘Bama to help provide fully supplied backpacks to students living in the tornado-ravaged areas of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. - September 21, 2011 - The Sagemont Schools

TeachKind and PunFlay Launch Program for Humane Education

TeachKind, the humane-education division of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA) has launched a new program to help teachers and educators make science classrooms across the United States, a more compassionate place for both students and animals. TeachKind will offer free Virtual... - September 21, 2011 - Emantras

Bisque Imports Voted Supplier of the Year by Trade Organization for Third Consecutive Year

Bisque Imports, a North Carolina based ceramics importing business, was voted Supplier of the Year by the membership of the Contemporary Ceramic Studios Association during their annual convention last week in Birmingham, AL for the third consecutive year. The Supplier of the Year Award is voted... - September 21, 2011 - Bisque Imports

NSF Grant Supports Graphene Nanoelectronics Research at Stevens

NSF awards a grant to advance nanoelectronic sensors through graphene. - September 21, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Canada’s Newest Nation Wide Tech Support Organization Has Launched

Despite the ever increasing number of Tech Support Businesses opening and closing their doors across the country; the Young Canadian Entrepreneurs behind Remote Techy have partnered with an international service provider to take on the challengers and offer Consumer and Small Business clients a... - September 21, 2011 - NeuMarkets Inc. dba Remote Techy

Linda Barnett, of Home Matters Home Staging Indianapolis a Matthew Finlason Advanced Course Graduate

Linda Barnett of Home Matters Home Staging of Indianapolis is a graduate of the SAR advanced training program instructed by Matthew Finlason, award winner host of HGTV's television series "The Stagers." - September 21, 2011 - Staging and Redesign (SAR) Training

Rebecca Skloot to Speak on Her Bestseller, "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks"

Adelphi University presents award-winning science writer Rebecca Skloot to discuss her bestselling work, "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks," on Monday, October 17, 2011, at 5:30 p.m. - September 21, 2011 - Adelphi University

Leading Teacher and Best-Selling Author Jane M. Healy to Deliver “Influence of Technology on Education” on September 26 at Adelphi University

Best-selling author and educational psychologist Jane M. Healy will discuss how technology is not the solution to education’s problems and why educators need to take charge of the use of technology in the classroom. - September 21, 2011 - Adelphi University

University of Chicago Department of Music Welcomes Students Back to School with Annual Halloween Family Concert on Saturday, October 29

Hyde Park School of Dance Joins University Symphony Orchestra; “1001 Arabian Nights” Transports Listeners through a Kaleidoscope of Colorful Sounds - September 21, 2011 - University of Chicago Department of Music

DoJiggy Announces Special Fall Discount Exclusively for University Fundraisers

Online fundraising software provider, DoJiggy, announces a special discount of $75 off DoJiggy online fundraising software exclusively for universities and university groups this Fall season. - September 21, 2011 - DoJiggy

American College of Healthcare Sciences Awarded Military Friendly School Title from G.I. Jobs

American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) has been designated a Military Friendly School by G.I. Jobs magazine for the third consecutive year - September 21, 2011 - American College of Healthcare Sciences

iGlobal Educational Services Launches Credited and Non-Credited Tutoring Business Courses as Part of Their Online CPE Program

Leading tutoring business, iGlobal Educational Services, to expand their offerings in the form of CPE credited and non-credited tutoring business courses. - September 20, 2011 - iGlobal Educational Services

DIG Coaching Practice Presents "ADHD: Paying Attention to Attention with Dr. Beth Briere" on Attention Talk Radio

Attention Talk Radio host, Jeff Copper, interviews Dr. Beth Briere on paying attention to attention. Dr. Briere discusses how attention can be broken down into components through an individual profile to identify one's unique strengths, affinities, and challenges for a customized learning plan and road map to success. - September 20, 2011 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

International Triathlon Coaching Association Offers Up-to-Date, Multi-Sport Training for Triathlon Coaching Industry

International Triathlon Coaching Association Offers Up-to-Date, Multi-Sport Training for Triathlon Coaching Industry

Swimming, cycling and running just got more high tech when it comes to training, nutrition and psychology. Tomorrow’s triathlon coaches will be armed with cutting-edge knowledge to hone the skills of the next generation of champions. - September 19, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Frog Set to Showcase Its New School Improvement Tool at BETT 2012

Award-winning learning platform provider Frog will be showing schools how they can achieve whole school improvement and real value with their learning platform at BETT 2012 – on stand M50. - September 19, 2011 - Frogtrade Ltd

PlanPlus Introducing 24x7 Help Desk for Users Globally

PlanPlus Inc, a Canadian firm and global leader in financial planning software, will be introducing 24x7 English language help desk support for customers commencing in October. Support in French, Chinese and some additional European languages will remain linked to specific time zones. - September 19, 2011 - PlanPlus Inc.

Independence from Drugs: Foundation for a Drug-Free South Helping Hispanics

September 16 marks the Day of Independence in Mexico. Much like America’s July 4th celebration, the people of Mexico celebrate the time they won their liberty from Spain. - September 19, 2011 - Drug Free South

Announcing the Vedic Math Competition 2011 of Hong Kong on November 19, 2011

Math Monkey (Hong Kong) Limited and Vedic Math Hong Kong Association are pleased to announce that the Vedic Math Competition 2011 of Hong Kong will be held on November 19, 2011 and applications will be accepted between Sept 19 and November 5, 2011. - September 18, 2011 - Math Monkey Education Center

Crystal Andrus Invites Women to Unlock Their Greatest Potential

Crystal Andrus—a renowned personality in the field of personal transformation and self discovery— to host a free teleseminar: “Unlock Your Greatest Potential” on Monday, September 26, 2011 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT. - September 18, 2011 - SWAT Institute

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