K2 Connect for SAP Ties SAP-Based Information Into Business Applications

K2 today announced the forthcoming release of K2 connect for SAP — software that gives people the ability to visually create reusable business entities (customers, invoices, etc.) that include information from SAP. These business entities can be used and reused within K2 processes, exposed... - March 04, 2008 - K2

Educating Children Key in Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Educating Children Key in Fight Against Childhood Obesity

“Planning to feed our kids well can be difficult,” according to originator Amy Roskelley “but it is possible. If children know what a healthy plate should look like, they can begin to make good choices that will carry them throughout their lives.” - March 03, 2008 - Super Healthy Kids

Operational Excellence Seminar to be Held in Cleveland, Ohio

An operational excellence training event will be held by Process Coaching Incorporated. This event, which teaches participants how to use lean tools, will be conducted on Sept 24 and 25, 2008 at the Airport Hilton Garden Inn in Cleveland, Ohio. It is designed for engineers, executives, managers and... - March 03, 2008 - Process Coaching Incorporated

RND Solutions Inc Invites Women to Write About Their Dogs at Their Website www.dogsforwomen.com

Dogsforwomen.com is embarking on a mission to gather first-hand information about different dog breeds from the every day people who live and care for these breeds. - March 03, 2008 - dogsforwomen.com

The Body Mechanic Announces Dynamic Power Training™ Class at Brier Creek

Jeff Wooten, The Body Mechanic™ (www.yourbodymechanic.com), has announced that he will be offering a Dynamic Power Training™ class on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. and Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the Brier Creek Community Center, located at 10810 Globe Road. Dynamic Power Training™ focuses on... - March 03, 2008 - The Body Mechanic

Atlantis Swim School Announces New Lead Instructor

Atlantis Swim School announces that Matti Svoboda has been promoted to the position of lead instructor. - March 03, 2008 - Atlantis Swim School

Lean Training Seminar to be Held in Toledo, Ohio

Process Coaching Incorporated will be conducting a two day training event on Operational Excellence in Toledo, Ohio on OCt 22 and 23. This event is designed for executives, managers, supervisors, and engineers for manufacturing and service companies. - March 03, 2008 - Process Coaching Incorporated

Dissertation Editing – Critical Aspects of Dissertation Process Finally Revealed

Some might find dissertation to be rewarding while some may find it utterly dreadful. Oeinet has stepped forward to reveal critical aspects in dissertation editing. - March 02, 2008 - OEI Consulting Inc

Somerset Library System in New Jersey Offers Online Test Prep Materials for Upcoming NJ ASK Test

The Somerset County Library System is pleased to announce that it is the first public library to launch the NJ ASK online study program on its website, www.somerset.lib.nj.us . Combining students’ enthusiasm for all things Internet and parents’ interest in their children’s... - March 02, 2008 - Lumos Information Services, LLC

The Risk and ROI of ERP Implementations

A research study released today by Glomark-Governan research analysts shows how executives can reduce their exposure to economic risk, and increase the probability of achieving the desired economic outcome and Return-on-Investment (ROI) of any ERP initiative. Today, when either investing in a new... - March 02, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

“Miracle Children: Behavior and Learning Disabilities Uprooted” a Hope-Filled Resource

“Miracle Children: Behavior and Learning Disabilities Uprooted” a Hope-Filled Resource

“Miracle Children is a book that tens of thousands of parents throughout the Western world have been waiting for, because it proves that their dreams and hopes as parents can become reality.” Dr. Peter Blythe, founder of the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP), Chester, U.K. - March 01, 2008 - Anna's House, LLC

Jones Logic Creates New Decision Implementation Internet Service

Jones Logic presents Interactive Requirements, a real-time Internet service that supports business decision makers. The Company's mission is to make Interactive Requirements the most effective means to collaboratively capture, document, and disseminate business decisions for organizations of any size. - March 01, 2008 - Jones Logic, LLC

New Math Book Reaches Homeschool Parents; The Equation for Excellence: How to Make Your Child Excel at Math is Released

Arvin Vohra Education released today Arvin Vohra’s new book, The Equation for Excellence: How to Make Your Child Excel at Math. This book teaches parents the techniques, principles, and methods necessary to ensure a child’s success in math. The books approaches math education from a... - March 01, 2008 - Arvin Vohra Education

Octagon Research Solutions Inc. to Exhibit at the Drug Information Association 20th Annual EuroMeeting

CEO & Chairman Jim Walker of Octagon Research Solutions, Inc., a leader in the electronic transformation of clinical R&D in the life sciences industry, today announced that Octagon will be exhibiting at the Drug Information Association’s (DIA) 20th Annual EuroMeeting. This year, the... - February 29, 2008 - Octagon Research Solutions, Inc

Paradigm Creates Staff Development Programme for IT Skills

Paradigm Services is undertaking a staff development programme to increase the knowledge and advanced use of Microsoft Project for employees. Nationwide company, Paradigm, have employed t2 business solutions to create a bespoke programme, aimed at the advanced knowledge of planning, building and... - February 29, 2008 - t2 business solutions

Welsh Training Company Increases Communication with Candidates

Welsh training company, t2 business solutions, is launching a new newsletter in a bid to increase the communication between Modern Apprenticeship candidates and the company. Currently supplying Modern Apprenticeships to over 700 candidates throughout South Wales, t2 aims to keep them involved in... - February 29, 2008 - t2 business solutions

ClinfoSource and Nucleus Network Jointly Launch On-Line GCP Clinical Trials Training Programs for the Australia-New Zealand Region

ClinfoSource, a US-based global online training company has partnered with Nucleus Network of Australia to provide web-based GCP training for clinical trials professionals in the Australia region, later to be extended to include New Zealand regulations. This program will offer clinical trial investigators, coordinators, research associates and others a solid and practical understanding of clinical trials conduct and management, the regulations and ethics central to the drug development process. - February 28, 2008 - ClinfoSource

LinkEducation Launches the First Go-to Website for New York City’s Education Sector

A new website aims to connect parents, teachers, and students with the many education opportunities and services available in New York City. - February 28, 2008 - LinkEducation

Brad Sugars, Founder of ActionCOACH, Offers Secrets to Business Success with Instant Cashflow

Book is Part of Sugars’ “Instant Success Series,” Aimed to Guide Business Owners to Success - February 28, 2008 - ActionCOACH

SkillsTrain Creates Virtual Classroom in South Africa

British IT distance learning college, SkillsTrain, has backed an initiative to bring IT skills into South African classrooms to benefit kids who will have had little or no contact with computers. The Project Africa scheme enables British tutors to train kids via a Live Internet Link from SkillsTrain’s Luton based head office, directly into South African classrooms. - February 28, 2008 - SkillsTrain

"Change is Easy Once You Really Want It" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site

In this short, uplifting article the author examines change and how it can impact a person's health. She discusses how to easily exchange unhealthy habits for healthier ones. Worth the read if a change your lifestyle, diet, or weight is in order. - February 28, 2008 - Easy Futures Investing

SkillsTrain Boss Joins British PM in Honouring Kids

British businessman, Mr. Jan Telensky, has joined Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife, Sarah, in honouring and rewarding kids who have made a significant contribution to their community. Mr. Telensky is a founder sponsor of the award scheme, known as YOPEY (Young People of the Year) was at Number 10 Downing Street for the presentation of the first national YOPEY awards. - February 28, 2008 - SkillsTrain

spanish-bookworld.com Develops the Most Comprehensive Site for Spanish Language Learners on the Internet

spanish-bookworld.com, a site owned by languagebookworld.com, has developed a one-stop site for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners of Spanish, with a vast amount of information, free products, free lessons, books, audiobooks, dvds, cds, downloads, software, magazines, newspapers, video games, language courses, etc. - February 28, 2008 - Spanish Bookworld

First Documentary to Focus on Religious Conversion Nears Completion

Release of the new Pew Forum survey underscoring high degree of “faith switching” in America, stirs intense interest in the film Leap of Faith - February 27, 2008 - Humble Films, Inc.

Fabienne Untangles Web for Tourism

Helping small and medium sized tourism enterprises (SMEs) addressing the e-tourism challenge is the aim for Untanglemyweb.com business founder Fabienne Rabbiosi. - February 27, 2008 - Untanglemyweb.com

ActionCOACH Claims Spot in 2008 Franchise Business Review Franchise 50

Global Business Coaching Franchise Named to Top 50 Based on Franchisee Response, Participation Level. - February 27, 2008 - ActionCOACH

The Parkland YMCA Family Center Wellness Director Thanks New Members from the Local Community for the Warmth of Their Welcome

Wellness Director, Debra Dechiaro, is loving every minute of establishing the daily and weekly operations of the latest addition to the YMCA of Broward County. Debra leads the certified, caring and committed team of Group Exercise Instructors, Personal Trainers and Wellness Center Floor staff at the Parkland YMCA Family Center. - February 27, 2008 - The Parkland YMCA Family Center

Glomark-Governan Announces Key Orders from Mexico in the First Quarter of 2008

In addition to several orders received during the first quarter of 2008 from existing clients, including Oracle and EDS, Glomark-Governan is pleased to announce recent orders from new clients in Mexico including: Alcatel, Axtel, Acumen Technologies, Grupo Scitum, and ERP Soluciones. “We are... - February 27, 2008 - Glomark-Governan

Quark and The Art Institutes Annual Design Competition Honors Students’ Tribute to Typography

Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale Graphic Design Student Wins National Quark Contest. - February 27, 2008 - The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale

TelSim Software Announces a Major Upgrade to its NOAH Animated Character Technology for E-learning

The NOAH animated character technology can now integrate with projects made with Lectora, Articulate, Captivate, and many PowerPoint to SWF conversion programs. - February 26, 2008 - TelSim, Inc

Principle Based Sales Series to be Offered at Utah College

The Business Performance Group (BPG), a Salt Lake City, Utah based sales training and consulting company has partnered with the Davis Applied Technology College (DATC) to offer BPG’s Principle Based Sales Series as part of DATC’s Premier Business Courses. BPG’s Sales Series... - February 26, 2008 - The Business Performance Group

The Body Mechanic Launches Fitness e-Book

Jeff Wooten, The Body Mechanic (www.yourbodymechanic.com), has announced a new e-book titled The Secrets of Fitness Running. In this e-book, Wooten discusses a step-by-step process that can take readers from being non-runners to exceptionally strong runners. These are the same techniques that... - February 25, 2008 - The Body Mechanic

Sorenson’s Ranch School Using Horses to Rehabilitate Students

Sorenson’s Ranch School, a therapeutic boarding school for troubled teens located in central Utah, is implementing an innovative equine therapy program to help foster recovery efforts for its students. Using professional educators specialized in equine-assisted training, at-risk youths are... - February 25, 2008 - Sorenson's Ranch School

New CD Version of Spanish Whiz

Braser Soft has released a new CD version of their popular Windows program, Spanish Whiz (TM), with over 72 MB of sound files. Spanish Whiz is a vocabulary building program which is popular with both schools and individual users who want to learn Spanish quickly. - February 24, 2008 - Braser Soft

Akron Based The Nanny Connection Expands into Columbus

The Nanny Connection, a permanent and on-call placement agency recently opened an office in New Albany, Ohio serving the greater Columbus market. - February 24, 2008 - Nanny Connection

Korolak’s Legal and Financial Expertise Bolsters ActionCOACH’s Australian Team

Attorney / CPA is newest business coach at booming Melbourne office - February 24, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Massaging for a Cure — Cortiva Institute Donated All Proceeds from Full Day of Massage to Benefit American Cancer Society

On Saturday, March 15th, 2008 Cortiva Institute’s Wall Township Clinic is offering one hour relaxation massages to the public specifically to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Appointments are available between 9am and 5pm on March 15th at Cortiva Institute - Somerset School of... - February 23, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy

Dominique Rollin Stomps Peloton on Queen Stage of Tour of California

Cadence athlete proves mettle after seven hour slug fest. - February 23, 2008 - Cadence Cycling and Multisport Center

"Could an Overweight Candidate be Elected President?" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site

This short article examines the link between image and perception versus reality and message in the race for the White House. The author poses the question of whether or not an obese person could become President and how the American public might respond to it. - February 23, 2008 - Easy Futures Investing

11th Annual USA Memory Championship Saturday, March 8th - NYC

“The Olympics of the Mind” - February 23, 2008 - USA Memory Championship

Business Consultant Expands Practice to Include New Services and Markets

A respected area business consultant with broad expertise in the restaurant and food service industries has joined the Utah office of ActionCOACH, the world’s number one business coaching company. Kyle Mott will be introducing his clients and new prospects to an expanded services offering... - February 23, 2008 - ActionCOACH

"Financial Fitness" Presented by MoneySense Education

On Wednesday, February 20th, 2008 MoneySense Education presented the second installment of their Fiscal Literacy Series offered to general consumers. - February 23, 2008 - MoneySense Education

Workshop for Writers Shares Tips to Get Published, Promoted and Paid

Self-publishing workshop shows potential authors how to get from paper to print. The author-publisher who smartly produces a book can keep a bigger share of the profits. - February 23, 2008 - Knowledge Wealth Series

Virtual Dumpsters and Freecycle Members Work in Harmony

Virtual Dumpsters and Freecycle Members Work in Harmony

Freecycle members have given the thumbs up for the virtual dumpster website www.vdumpsters.com. The site is simplicity itself and you do not need to be a member of any group, complimenting and enhancing the ability to recycle and reuse other people’s unwanted items or goods. The principles... - February 22, 2008 - Vyouz Ltd

Advanced Marketplace to Acquire Chausie Consulting Group, Inc.

Advanced MarketPlace, a leading national provider of IT Service Desk, IT Asset Management, and Desktop Management solutions, has agreed to acquire IT Service Management, IT Asset Management and Business Intelligence specialists Chausie Consulting. This acquisition is a hallmark of the continued... - February 22, 2008 - Advanced MarketPlace, Inc.

Success Expert Says Valentine's Day is Ideal Time to Switch Careers

Show yourself some love and start living the life you want when you switch careers. Make your switch today when you start the process of transitioning from the job you have now to the career you want. - February 22, 2008 - Knowledge Wealth Series

"The Fatal Three – Salt, Body Mass Index, and High Blood Pressure" Article Released by Author Frances Lewis for Your Best Weight Loss Site

The link between obesity and Hypertension is discussed in this article found on Your Best Weight Loss Site, an educational blog about health and weight loss. The statistics show that one in three American adults have high blood pressure and about 30% are not aware of it. - February 22, 2008 - Easy Futures Investing

Surprising New Roadmaster Commercials Have Fresh Take

Roadmaster Drivers School will release 4 new national television commercials February, 2008 that add a unique call for more women and team drivers to sign up for truck driving school. - February 22, 2008 - Roadmaster Drivers School

Tri Zones Training Helps Beginner Triathletes Navigate the Way

Tri Zones offers resources for new triathletes as they prepare for upcoming Austin races, including the Danskin Women’s Triathlon - February 22, 2008 - Tri Zones Training

Customer Loyalty Expert Offers Weekly Customer Service Tips

Customer loyalty expert, Kevin Stirtz, is now offering a free weekly customer service newsletter. - February 22, 2008 - Stirtz Group

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