Samurai Karate Studio to Offer Zumba Fitness Classes

Sensei Chris Feldt, owner and chief instructor for Samurai Karate Studio located in Richland Northeast Columbia, South Carolina, recently announced that he was introducing a new Zumba fitness program starting January 5th. Classes will be held Monday and Thursday nights from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. - December 15, 2011 - Samurai Karate Studio

Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days Offers Tips and Secrets to Success in Industry Niche

Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days Offers Tips and Secrets to Success in Industry Niche

The Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days website provides an online program that includes a blueprint for becoming a successful trainer to the stars. The site was developed by John Spencer Ellis and Kelli Calabrese, who have both trained numerous celebrities and starred in a variety of programs. - December 14, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development Announces December Oldies Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Frank Sinatra’s “Witchcraft” with “Witchcraft,” Choreographed by Lynne Martino, as December Oldies Line Dance of the Month - December 14, 2011 -

Yun Fitness Bootcamps Announces Christmas Toy Drive Workout

Yun Fitness Bootcamps will hold its annual Christmas Toy Drive Workout on Saturday, December 17, 2011. - December 12, 2011 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

Fitness Guru John Spencer Ellis Offers Free Fitness Business and Marketing 101 Video Training Online

Fitness Guru John Spencer Ellis Offers Free Fitness Business and Marketing 101 Video Training Online

John Spencer Ellis, founder of a leading national fitness and personal development solutions company, now offers a free Fitness Business and Marketing 101 Video Training online. The training video lesson focuses on the fundamentals of succeeding in the fitness industry today. - December 11, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

International Triathlon Coaching Association Certification Earns Approval from USA Triathlon for Continuing Education Credits

International Triathlon Coaching Association Certification Earns Approval from USA Triathlon for Continuing Education Credits

The International Triathlon Coaching Association (ITCA) recently gained approval from USA Triathlon (USAT), the governing body of the sport, for continuing education credits. This recognition honors the overall quality and excellence of ITCA’s online certification program. - December 10, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

NESTA’s Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Program Now Approved for GI Bill Tuition Reimbursement

NESTA’s Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Program Now Approved for GI Bill Tuition Reimbursement

The Department of Veteran Affairs recently approved the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association’s (NESTA) Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Program for reimbursement under the GI Bill. Military personnel interested in pursuing a personal fitness career can learn more at - December 08, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

New Years Eve and New Years Day LEGO-tatsic Celebrations at LEGOLAND Discovery Center Chicago

New Years eve and New Years day at the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Chicago with fun activities and festivities. - December 08, 2011 - LegoLand Discovery Centre

Sky Dive Blondie Launches with a One-of- a Kind Patent Protected Process to Develop "How to" Videos for Ready to Assemble Products

Sky Dive Blondie (SDB) launches their “how to” assemble patented process tackling the cultural norm of not following directions or not having the “time” to read the directions prevalent in our culture. - December 08, 2011 - SkyDiveBlondie

Samurai Karate Studio Sponsors a Military Family for Thanksgiving

Sensei Chris Feldt, owner and chief instructor for Samurai Karate Studio, which is located in Richland Northeast, Columbia, South Carolina, recently announced that his school proudly participated in a donation drive that resulted in his school buying a Thanksgiving dinner for a local military... - December 08, 2011 - Samurai Karate Studio

Fitness Guru John Spencer Ellis Engages Social Media to Offer Free Video Advice for Personal Trainers

Fitness Guru John Spencer Ellis Engages Social Media to Offer Free Video Advice for Personal Trainers

John Spencer Ellis, founder of a leading national fitness and personal development solutions company, is currently taking fitness-focused questions from personal trainers and other fitness pros via his Facebook page. He then creates a video lesson in response to those queries. - December 07, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development Provides Business Mentorship Program for Personal Trainers Interested in Growing Business Provides Business Mentorship Program for Personal Trainers Interested in Growing Business

To help mentor personal trainers who are new to the business or need advice on sparking their business. offers a mentorship program for trainers. Personal trainers can check out free online videos on the business of training and sign up for an affordable monthly membership. - December 07, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development Announces December Pop Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Jesse J’s “Domino” with “Spending Time With You,” Choreographed by Denise Boyle, as December Pop Line Dance of the Month - December 07, 2011 -

Morris County, NJ Personal Trainer Carey Yang Featured Yahoo! Health and Fitness Contributing Expert

Morris County NJ personal trainer Carey Yang is featured on Yahoo! Voices as a contributing writer and fitness expert for online Health and Wellness content in the topics of health, fitness, exercise, dieting, weight loss, and lifestyle. - December 07, 2011 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

NESTA Launches Enhanced Website Focused on Personal Training, Fitness Education and Wellness Programs

NESTA Launches Enhanced Website Focused on Personal Training, Fitness Education and Wellness Programs

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) recently re-launched its website,, to provide more options and ease of use for personal trainers, coaches and fitness pros. The organization is dedicated to be a full-service provider of fitness, nutrition and wellness solutions. - December 05, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Gobble Gobble! The Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Hosts Its 32nd Annual Turkey Dinner with the Seniors

On November 22, the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley’s Keystone Club held its 32nd annual Turkey Dinner at the Shelton Senior Center. The event is free to all seniors who live in the Valley. The night kicked off at 5:00pm with key messages from the following influential... - December 04, 2011 - Boys and Girls Club LNV

U.S. Secret Service Uses NESTA’s Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist Training to Train Agents

U.S. Secret Service Uses NESTA’s Speed Agility and Quickness Specialist Training to Train Agents

Now used by the U.S. Secret Service for training agents, the National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association’s (NESTA) online speed agility and quickness training focuses on speed, strength and agility for athletes of all levels. The certification is a great complement to other fitness trainings and programs. - December 03, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Longevity Pilates Annual Food Drive

Longevity Pilates has Begun their Annual Holiday Food Drive. Longevity Pilates, located at 16 Grove Avenue in Verona is accepting donations of food now through December 15th. Any non-perishable, non-expired food items will be gratefully accepted. The food will be donated to local food banks... - December 03, 2011 - Longevity Pilates LLC

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association Acquires Optimal Performance Institute, Now Wexford University

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association Acquires Optimal Performance Institute, Now Wexford University

The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) recently acquired the Optimal Performance Institute (OPI), a university offering a variety of health and fitness degree programs. The Optimal Performance Institute will now be known as Wexford University and will enroll new students in spring 2012. - December 02, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Lavin Lacrosse Camps Announces the TC Select Traveling Lacrosse Program to Begin the Summer of 2012

Lavin Lacrosse Camps has announced they will sponsor two travel lacrosse teams for high school boys entering grades 11 and 12 for the summer of 2012. The teams will compete on a national level against teams from across the country. - December 02, 2011 - Lavin Lacrosse

National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association’s Online Kids Nutrition Specialist Training Focuses on Reducing Childhood Obesity and Diabetes and Improving Health

National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association’s Online Kids Nutrition Specialist Training Focuses on Reducing Childhood Obesity and Diabetes and Improving Health

With the growing, alarming rates of kids obesity and diabetes, The National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association (NESTA) developed a Kids Nutrition Specialist Training to focus on kids-specific nutrition. The course provides tips for healthy eating that is fun for kids and families. - December 01, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Attitash & Wildcat Mountain Among First Google Street View Map Ski Areas in the East

Wildcat Mountain and Attitash Mountain Resort were recently included among hundreds of new imagery maps released in Google’s Street View collections. The New Hampshire resorts had allowed and coordinated with Google their visit to the mountains and assisted with their collecting 360-degree... - December 01, 2011 - Attitash Mountain Resort

New Fitness Club Offers Free Community Boot Camps and Fitness Programs

The Allstar Fit Club Network of Personal Wellness Coaches is a not-for-profit business organization. The Mission of Allstar Fit Club is to provide and promote fitness and wellness for the life of our community. - December 01, 2011 - Allstar Fit Club Announces December Country Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Sunny Sweeney’s “Drink Myself Single” with “Arizona (Iced Tea) Stomp” Choreographed by Dan Albro, as December Country Line Dance of the Month. - December 01, 2011 -

B&S Fitness Presents the North Shore's First Corporate Weight Loss Challenge with $6,000 in Cash and Prizes

B&S Fitness ( the largest provider of fitness programs on Boston's North Shore is pleased to offer a weight-loss challenge for area businesses. Teams of between five and ten employees from each company will compete for $6,000 in cash and prizes as well as the title of "Fittest Company" on the North Shore of Boston. - November 30, 2011 - B&S Fitness

Former NBA Player Available for Comment on Recent Agreement

Former Los Angeles Clipper, Lamond Murray, is available to discuss the recent agreement between the NBA owners and union officials. - November 30, 2011 - NCSA Athletic Recruiting

The “Ultimate Life Coach Business Book” with Tips on Successful Coaching Across Industries Now Available for Free Online

The “Ultimate Life Coach Business Book” with Tips on Successful Coaching Across Industries Now Available for Free Online

The “Ultimate Life Coach Business Book,” offered by John Spencer Ellis and Topher Morrison, provides the secrets to succeeding in the coaching business. The book is now available for free download at - November 29, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Team JSE Helps More Moms Turn Passion for Fitness Into Ongoing Profit

Team JSE Helps More Moms Turn Passion for Fitness Into Ongoing Profit

Whether they are fitness enthusiasts or pros, more moms can make more money by joining Team JSE and other Beachbody enthusiasts online. Joining the team can help people make more money each month while continuing to pursue their passion for fitness. - November 29, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Laugh for a Cause - Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Hosts Its First Benefit Comedy Night

On Saturday November 12, the Boys and Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck Valley hosted its first Comedy Night at the Liquid Lunch Restaurant on 6 Research Drive. All proceeds benefited the Club’s youth leadership/community service group, Keystone, in their fundraising efforts for their... - November 29, 2011 - Boys and Girls Club LNV

Homegrown Lacrosse Hires Kara Vier as Women’s Lacrosse Director

Recognizing the ever growing need for year-round opportunities for women’s and girl’s lacrosse, Twin Cities nonprofit, Homegrown Lacrosse has hired Kara Vier as Women’s Lacrosse Director. The addition of Vier represents the nonprofit’s commitment to supporting the growth and unique development needs of women’s and girl’s lacrosse in Minnesota. - November 29, 2011 - Homegrown Lacrosse

Orange County Kung Fu School Partners with Toys for Tots

The Dragon Institute, an Orange County Kung Fu school, has partnered with Toys for Tots to collect new, unwrapped toys each year for Christmas gifts to needy children in south Orange County. - November 26, 2011 - The Dragon Institute

Determined Bootcampers Get Results and Win Big in Transformation Contest

SW Charlotte fitness franchise helps campers get results in Transformation Contest. Three women win over $900 worth of prizes. - November 24, 2011 - FIT of Charlotte

Spot On Agility Re-Releases Highly Successful 2on2off Dog Agility Contact Training DVD

Spot On Agility, the premiere remote dog agility training service in the country, announced today they have re-released their highly successful 2on2off Dog Agility Contract Training DVD. After selling 500 copies, the DVD, praised by dog agility trainers and enthusiasts worldwide is being re-released into its second printing. - November 24, 2011 - Spot On Agility Announces November Soul Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Raphael Saadiq’s “Stone Rollin’” with “Stone Rollin’,” Choreographed by Irene Groundwater, as November Soul Line Dance of the Month - November 23, 2011 -

New England Sports Academy Organizes a Drop and Shop on November 25, 2011

New England Sports Academy (NESA) is organizing a Drop and Shop event on 25 November, 2011 for all the busy parents in the community. Parents have an opportunity to leave their children in the expert care of NESA staff while getting their shopping done on one of the most lucrative shopping days of the year. - November 23, 2011 - New England Sports Academy

Morris County, NJ Fitness Expert Carey Yang Offers Strategies to Combat Obesity as Americans Are Fat and Getting Much Fatter

Americans are fat and getting much fatter. New study shows that 83% of men and 72% of women will be overweight or obese by year 2020. New Jersey celebrity fitness trainer Carey Yang offers tips in fighting epidemic obesity. - November 22, 2011 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

Taekwon-Do 101 a New and Innovative Program Designed Exclusively for Home Schoolers

Centennial Taekwon-Do is pioneering a powerful new program designed for home schoolers that includes both a physical work out and academic study. This is no ordinary PE class. - November 21, 2011 - Centennial Taekwon-Do

Charlotte Bootcamp Trades Workouts for Turkeys to Feed Needy Families

Tuff Girl Bootcamps, a SW Charlotte fitness bootcamp, is teaming up with their clients and the community to provide relief to needy families this holiday season. - November 19, 2011 - FIT of Charlotte

November and December at the UK's Only LEGOLAND Discovery Centre - Amazing Events to Come

Stormtroopers, advent calendars and MINIGURES - a fantastic round up to a great year at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre. - November 18, 2011 - LegoLand Discovery Centre

Inspired Movement Pilates Studio Hosts Food Drive to Benefit Puyallup Food Bank

Now is the time to get in shape and support the food bank in our community! - November 17, 2011 - Inspired Movement Pilates Studio, LLC

Yun Fitness Bootcamps Announces Thanksgiving Food Drive and Beat Michigan Workout

Yun Fitness Bootcamps will hold its annual Thanksgiving Food Drive/Beat Michigan Workout on Wednesday, November 23, 2011. - November 17, 2011 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

Morris County NJ Fitness Expert Carey Yang Interviewed by MSN Fitbie on How to Lose Love Handles with New Moves to Slim Muffin Top

Morris County NJ personal trainer and fitness expert Carey Yang is interviewed and featured by MSN Fitbie Diet & Fitness on "How to Lose Your Love Handles: New Moves to Slim Your Muffin Top." - November 16, 2011 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training Announces November Oldies Line Dance of the Month, Bringing Line Dancing Home to Your Audience, Selects Ella Fitzgerald’s “The Best Is Yet To Come” with “The Best Thing,” Choreographed by Rosie Multari, as November Oldies Line Dance of the Month - November 16, 2011 -

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Launches Affiliate Sales and Partnership Program - Program is Free to Join and Offers Increasing Rewards

Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association Launches Affiliate Sales and Partnership Program - Program is Free to Join and Offers Increasing Rewards

The Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Association (MMACA) now offers a lucrative affiliate program for partners. Partners earn money based on every sale made. - November 15, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Updated Heart Rate Performance Specialist Certification Helps Fitness Trainers, Coaches and Athletes Train Smarter Not Harder

Updated Heart Rate Performance Specialist Certification Helps Fitness Trainers, Coaches and Athletes Train Smarter Not Harder

The Heart Rate Performance Specialist certification offered by NESTA utilizes heart rate training for athletic success and better feedback. The self-paced online program offers scientific information on traking athletic progress. - November 15, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development

Look Great, Feel Great, Make Money - Bay Bridge Fitness Inflates with Jeunesse Skin Care

Bay Bridge Fitness signs on with Jeunesse Global natural skin repair products presenting USA and International clientele superior choices in high-tech skin restoration. As today’s populace elects Non-Invasive methods, this wellness company jumps aboard with a winner. - November 15, 2011 - Bay Bridge Fitness

Second Annual HBCU Pro Combine on December 19 & 20, 2011 Will Bring “Much Deserved” Recognition to HBCU Players

Star football players from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) will have the opportunity to show their stuff at the 2nd Annual HBCU & Small College Pro Combine. All 32 NFL Coaches and Scouting Directors have been invited. Will they find the next Walter Payton, Jerry Rice, or... - November 13, 2011 - The Milestone Marketing Company

Athletic Recruiting Company Gives Back on Veteran’s Day

NCSA Athletic Recruiting, the nation’s premier recruiting network will honor one special student-athlete and their family member who has served in our Armed Forces by sending them on an all-expense paid trip to the US Army (San Antonio, TX) or Semper Fi (Phoenix, AZ) High School All-American... - November 13, 2011 - NCSA Athletic Recruiting

Jazzercise Announces New Fort Lauderdale Fitness Center

Jazzercise, the world's leading dance fitness program, announces the December opening of its newest fitness center in South Florida. Jazzercise of Fort Lauderdale will offer 16 classes per week, mornings and evenings, in addition to cost-effective small group personal training. - November 12, 2011 - Jazzercise of Fort Lauderdale

North Carolina Junior Golf Tour Sponsored by Bojangle's

The North Carolina Junior Golf Foundation has recognized Bojangle's as a supporter of junior golf tournaments in North Carolina. - November 12, 2011 - North Carolina Junior Golf Foundation

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