College & University News

Elevate your knowledge about college and university initiatives in higher learning, technology, student recruitment, housing, campus development and extracurricular activities. This section features information about students, faculty and staff as well as products and services geared toward campus life.

duCret School of Art - Light Shines on a Local Art Community

duCret School of Art - Light Shines on a Local Art Community

duCret School of Art, founded in 1926, whose faculty and board members consist of notable and world recognized art professionals has steadily been thrust in the spotlight during the year, as students and faculty have broken ground in the entertainment field. - December 02, 2011 - duCret School of Art

William Peace University Names Dawn Dillon Assistant Dean for Campus Life

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Promotes Dillon with More Than 22 Years of Student Service in Higher Education - December 02, 2011 - William Peace University

Exclusive Local Deals Now Offered to Students Through Campushift

New web community helps students save thousands on textbooks, meals and more - December 02, 2011 - Campushift

Ashland University Institutes "Four-Year Graduation Guarantee"

Ashland University, a private college in Ashland, Ohio, has introduced a “Four-Year Graduation Guarantee” to help keep college cost predictable for families. - December 02, 2011 - Ashland University

Hiu Students Share Their Voices for CollegeTown Development Project in the City of Fullerton

Hope’s CollegeTown Preview event offered students the chance to give valuable feedback and enjoy free entertainment, food, and giveaways. - December 01, 2011 - Hope International University

New Century Theatre Company Visit Walford and North Shropshire College

At 9.45 am on a cold, grey November morning, over a hundred A level and BTEC students from Walford and North Shropshire College, their tutors and a visiting group from Sweden were treated to a sizzling performance of one of Oscar Wilde's plays when The New Century Theatre Company (NCTC) came to the Oswestry Campus Theatre. - December 01, 2011 - North Shropshire College

Jackson State University and Education Online Services Corporation Announce Launch of the Master of Arts in Teaching Online Program

Jackson State University and Education Online Services Corporation Announce Launch of the Master of Arts in Teaching Online Program

Education Online Services Corporation and Jackson State University announce launch of online degree program for Master of Arts in Teaching with classes starting on January 9, 2012. - November 30, 2011 - Education Online Services Corp

Education Online Services Corporation Announces Educational Partnership with Southern University System

Education Online Services Corporation Announces Educational Partnership with Southern University System

Education Online Services Corporation and Southern University System, La. announce educational partnership for the purpose of development and implementation of multiple online degree programs with an initial launch date of January 2012. - November 30, 2011 - Education Online Services Corp

Cambridge Business Publishers Challenges Publishing Trends

Small Publisher provides high quality financial textbooks with a focus on value during difficult economic times. - November 30, 2011 - Cambridge Business Publishers

Harrison College Partners with Indianapolis Public Schools for Computer Training

Post-Secondary Educational Institution Provides High School Students with Instruction, Awarding of Professional Certification - November 30, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

BT Managers Inspire College Students

Three members of Staff from British Telecom (BT) in Oswestry were invited into Walford and North Shropshire College to talk to Business and Computing students about some of the opportunities open to them when they finish their courses. Two of the visitors were themselves former Business and Computing students at the College who, on leaving, had gone into BT as apprentices and who have recently been promoted to management positions. The third visitor was a current Higher Apprentice at BT. - November 30, 2011 - North Shropshire College

Community Business College Tries Cyber Week Discount on Classes

College uses CyberWeek discount helps kick off new instructor-led online Mastering Public Speaking enrichment class. - November 30, 2011 - Community Business College

The Art Institute of California - Sunnyvale Observes Day With(out) Art World AIDS Day, December 1, 2011

The Art Institute of California Sunnyvale in partnership with Visual AIDS is observing Day With(out) Art by screening Untitled a film by Jim Hodges, Encke King, and Carlos Marques da Cruz. The Art Institute of California-Sunnyvale joins over 55 major museums, arts organizations, community groups and colleges throughout the United States presenting simultaneous, free public screenings of Untitled on December 1, 2011, which is also World AIDS Day. - November 30, 2011 - The Art Institute of California—Sunnyvale

IIE Report Reveals Indian Students Still Prefer U.S. for Higher Studies by Uniguru

According to this annual survey of U.S campuses’ international enrollments during 2010/2011, U.S. institutions still attract a huge number of Indian students for higher education. In fact, after China, India is the largest country of origin, with 1,03,895 Indian students currently studying in the U.S.- that’s about 14% of the total number of international students. - November 26, 2011 - Uniguru

Adelphi Receives NYS Grant for Teacher Preparation Program in Bilingual Science Education

Adelphi University has been awarded a federal grant to create a bilingual science and technology teacher education pilot program geared towards high-needs school populations. - November 26, 2011 - Adelphi University

Stanbridge College Students Sends Christmas Spirit to Overseas Marines

Stanbridge College’s students and staff donated and packed over 100 Christmas stockings to benefit the 5th Marine Headquarters in Afghanistan and other battalions currently serving overseas. - November 25, 2011 - Stanbridge University

William Peace University President Dr. Debra M. Townsley Named Mentor Within NCAA Outreach Program

Leader of Four-Year Baccalaureate University Assists New Division III College Presidents and Chancellors with Insights About Governance - November 25, 2011 - William Peace University

UTSA Awards Southwest Solutions Group a Contract for a Spacesaver High Density Storage System

Southwest Solutions Group was awarded a contract by the University of Texas at San Antonio to install a Spacesaver High Density Archive Storage System. - November 24, 2011 - Southwest Solutions Group

College Students Across the US Hear the Message: "You Are Not Alone"

Elaine Williams, comedian and motivational speaker delivers powerful and humorous message throughout US college campuses The dangers of addictions and abuse are presented and explained to college students often. However, ten innovative and leading universities tried something different this... - November 24, 2011 - The Williams Group

Harrison College Names Shelley Hunter Associate Provost for Student Services

Former Indiana University Special Giving Program Director to Lead Student Affairs, Career Services and Alumni Services Groups - November 24, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

Shipley Campus Came to Life

The Shipley Campus of Walford and North Shropshire College threw open its doors to welcome year 11 pupils from local schools to its first Taster Day on 18th of November this year. The campus, which is on Bridgnorth Road adjacent to the Gardenlands Centre, also held an Open Day on November 19th to allow visitors from all walks of life the opportunity to view its facilities and find out more about what it has to offer. - November 24, 2011 - North Shropshire College

EMS Will Help Minot State University Provide Technologically Advanced Nursing Education

Education Management Solutions will help streamline the management of the newly renovated Clinical Simulation Lab at Minot State University. - November 24, 2011 - Education Management Solutions

Adelphi’s Hudson Valley Center to Launch New State-of-the-Art Center and Programs

Adelphi's Hudson Valley Center will open its new location at the St. Francis Hospital Medical Arts Pavilion in January 2012. The new center will allow for program expansion and better student access to resources and improved technology. - November 23, 2011 - Adelphi University

TEDxSF Salons Present “SKOOL’d: Reimagining Higher Education”

TEDxSF salons present thought-provoking speakers looking at struggling contemporary institutions. On November 29, the panel will explore the need for innovation in higher education to create more affordable, accessible and relevant models for today’s world. - November 22, 2011 - TEDxSF

Expanding Public Speaking Outside the College Classroom Setting

Tale of two speech tournaments. - November 22, 2011 - RK & Associates

Coleman Foundation Awards $84,000 in Elevator Grants at 9th Annual NACCE Conference

At the 9th Annual NACCE Conference, the Coleman Foundation, a Chicago-based nonprofit, awarded $84,000 in elevator grants to 11 community colleges across the nation. - November 19, 2011 - National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship

North Carolina Chief Justice Parker Honored at Campbell Law Chapter of Delta Theta Phi Awards Gala

Delta Theta Phi Chapter Hosts Third Annual Judge Robinson O. Everett Award Gala. - November 19, 2011 - Campbell Law

Harrison College Announces Center for Leadership Development Scholarship Program

Harrison College Annual Scholarship Intended for Graduates of the CLD Indianapolis Program. - November 19, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

Ayurvedic Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Healing Through Ancient Therapeutic Massage

Ayurvedic Oil Massage (Abhyanga): Healing Through Ancient Therapeutic Massage

Ayurveda, the ancient science of healing from India has always utilized massage as a part of its regimens for healing. The California College of Ayurveda offers professional training in the techniques of Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage), Shirodhara (warm oil treatment over the forehead) and Svedana (herbal steam treatment) in spring and summer 2012. - November 17, 2011 - California College of Ayurveda

Chow Medical Qigong Healing & Training Event San Jose, November 18-20 Five Branches University, San Jose Campus

Dr. Chow will emit Qi-energy (remote healing), teach you to sense Qi increasing your stamina, promote longevity with vitality, wellbeing, how to thrive in this chaotic world, and heal one-self of minor and longstanding problems of body, mind, and spirit with Hands-on Healing Experience at the event: Chow Medical Qigong Healing & Training Event - November 17, 2011 - Five Branches University

Heed Moral, Legal Call for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse

Heed Moral, Legal Call for Reporting Child Sexual Abuse

Regardless of whether there is a legal obligation to report known or suspected child sexual abuse, there is a moral obligation to do so, asserts attorney Mary Jo McGrath, nationally known expert on child sexual abuse investigation and awareness in educational settings. Individuals must speak out about what they know or suspect, and not stop speaking out until the child is no longer endangered, despite the stature of the adult in question, or the institution he or she represents. - November 16, 2011 - McGrath Training Systems

Jacqueline Jones LaMon Presents, “In Search of Our Children: The Missing, Endangered, and Lost” at Adelphi University on November 16

Adelphi University hosts “In Search of Our Children: The Missing, Endangered, and Lost,”by Jacqueline Jones LaMon. - November 16, 2011 - Adelphi University

Norfolk State University Improves Campus-Wide Efficiencies with Awareity’s Enhanced MOAT

Because improving efficiencies campus-wide is critical, Norfolk State University (NSU) upgraded to Awareity’s Enhanced MOAT platform giving NSU administrators access to numerous innovative and advanced features. - November 16, 2011 - Awareity

Who Will Win the Title of Adelphi Apprentice?

Adelphi University is happy to announce that this year’s Annual Business Conference for High School Students will again be formatted to mirror the popular NBC show, The Apprentice. Long Island high schools are encouraged to nominate their students to participate in the Adelphi Apprentice, at... - November 16, 2011 - Adelphi University

Harrison College Announces Scholarships Available for High School Students

Scholarship Opportunities Open to All High School Seniors Graduating by June 2012 - November 16, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

Tween Publishing’ s College Readiness Series Puts Middle School Students on the Path to College

Tween Publishing provides innovative and engaging curriculum teaching middle school students essential college readiness skills. Tween is leading the way with The Middle School Student Guide to...®series. Tween recently rolled out the second program in its three-part series: The Middle School Student’s Guide to College. - November 14, 2011 - Tween Publishing

The Lou Gehrig Society Announces 2011 Columbia University Scholar Athletes

The Lou Gehrig Society is pleased to announce the first recipients of the prestigious Lou Gehrig Scholar-Athlete Award scholarships at Columbia University. This annual award has been established to honor the legacy of baseball great Lou Gehrig and will be presented during The Society’s... - November 14, 2011 - The Lou Gehrig Society

New Study Assesses Content Quality on Public University Websites

Top 25 Public College websites were studied and focused on findings from broken links to misspellings. - November 13, 2011 - Siteimprove

Harrison College to Offer B.S. in Business Management at Elkhart Campus

Flexible Program Designed to Accommodate Individuals with Full-Time Jobs and Families - November 12, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

William Peace University Names Veatrice Carabine School of Professional Studies Director

Four-Year Baccalaureate College Hires Massachusetts Educator with More Than 14 Years of Experience to Lead University School of Professional Studies - November 12, 2011 - William Peace University

The Buddy NightOwl Mobile Video Camera Proves to be Popular with School Transportation Directors Across the USA

The Buddy NightOwl Mobile Video Camera Proves to be Popular with School Transportation Directors Across the USA

tt-i launched the HD Buddy NightOwl plug & play mobile video camera this summer into the School Bus market and it is proving to be an ideal solution for Transportation Directors across the USA with limited budgets to spend on mobile video surveillance. The Buddy NightOwl offers one of the... - November 11, 2011 - TTI

The New Lou Gehrig Society Honors an American Hero The Lou Gehrig Society is a dynamic, new organization dedicated to honoring and preserving the legacy of baseball giant Lou Gehrig by implementing targeted scholarship programs and enhancing public health, wellness and integrity across America. Of all the players in... - November 11, 2011 - The Lou Gehrig Society

New University of Houston Research Addresses Problem Drinking Among College Students

Five-Year Study Involves 2,000 UH Students and Three Universities - November 11, 2011 - University of Houston

Historic Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Arguments Held at Campbell Law School

Session Marks First Time All Three Judges Were from North Carolina - November 11, 2011 - Campbell Law

Colorado BioScience Association Launches Internship Program with Support of 11 Area Employers and Universities

The Education Committee of the Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) is launching its new Internship Program with the support of 11 Founding Employers and the major universities in the state. Intern recruitment begins immediately through early spring 2012, with the first interns expected to be placed in positions by summer 2012. - November 10, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

Harrison College Sponsors Indiana School Counselor Association Annual Conference

Harrison College Provost Dr. Dennis Trinkle to Address Indiana School Counselors - November 10, 2011 - HarrisonCollege

College Opens Doors Throughout Great Britain

The 2011 Destination figures for Walford and North Shropshire College show a huge increase in the number of learners progressing to higher education. - November 09, 2011 - North Shropshire College

William Peace University Sponsors Triangle Business Journal’s 2011 Fast 50 Awards

Four-Year Baccalaureate University Supports Event Set for Nov. 15 to Recognize the Fastest-Growing Privately Held Companies - November 09, 2011 - William Peace University

Campbell Law School Launches New Website

New Site Features Updated User Interface And Improved Navigation - November 09, 2011 - Campbell Law

Environment and Sustainability Week

Gemma Lovering Recreation and Extra Curricular Co-ordinator for Walford and North Shropshire College, has been organising a host of interactive events to mark Environment and Sustainability week and to raise awareness about the many related issues. - November 09, 2011 - North Shropshire College

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