Trade Shows & Events News

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Celayix is Heading to New York City on April 30th to Exhibit at the ASIS NYC Exposition

As a Long-standing Member of the ASIS Community, Celayix Views this Conference as an Important Opportunity to Network with Fellow Members on the East Coast. - April 22, 2010 - Celayix Software

Apply for the Employers VIP Pass Program – Corporate Wellness Conference 2010, September 20th-22nd in LA

The Corporate Wellness Conference invites qualified individuals to enroll today in the Employers VIP Pass Program that can offer 200 employers a number of discount registrations, free registrations, hotel room nights, and flights to those who qualify. - April 22, 2010 - Corporate Wellness Conference

Next BESI Training Seminar for Defective Drywall in Coral Springs, Florida

Next BESI Training Seminar for Defective Drywall in Coral Springs, Florida

It’s good to know that if your home was remediated under this protocol that it would not require additional work in order to meet the latest CPSC/HUD interim guidance or to be aligned with the court’s (MDL No. 2047) ruling. - April 21, 2010 - Building Envelope Science Institute

Laclede Gas, the Original Green Energy, Will Participate in Local Earth Day Event

Come see the latest in green energy on April 25th in Forest Park - April 21, 2010 - Laclede Gas

FEECO Proudly Sponsors “Green Innovations 2010” on Earth Day

FEECO proudly supports the 2nd annual Green Innovations 2010 hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay on April 22-23, 2010. - April 21, 2010 - FEECO International, Inc

MicroAgility, Inc. Will be Attending and Exhibiting at the 20th Anniversary OSDBU Procurement Conference, April 20-21, 2010

Expanding into the federal market with increasing credentials, MicroAgility is proud to attend the 20th Anniversary OSDBU Procurement Conference with the commitment to help federal agencies succeed with Agility. - April 21, 2010 - MicroAgility, Inc.

Registration is Open for Eco Friendly Expo NYC, May 25-27, 2010; Green at a Grand New Level

The Eco Friendly Expo in partnership with 7W New York, will be held May 25th-27th in the heart of New York City at the prestigious 7 W New York, a state of the art venue in the heart of Manhattan, across form the Empire State Building. This Trade show offers a Boutique style setting, showcasing the best in high-end Eco innovation, art and design The Eco Friendly Expo 2010 is devoted to bringing green to a grand new level. - April 20, 2010 - Eco Friendly Expo LLC

Social Media Experts of All Stripes Expected at the Inaugural PodCamp Cleveland Unconference

Cleveland, Ohio launches the first ever annual PodCamp Cleveland event May 1, 2010 in Brecksville, Ohio. - April 20, 2010 - PodCamp Cleveland

SJS Comic Promotions Sends Creators to Space

Now in its 11th year, S.P.A.C.E. is the Midwest's largest exhibition of small press and creator owned comics. Taking place on April 24 and 25, the Small Press and Alternative Comics Expo features creators of all facets of the small press comic industry. Susan Soares of SJS Comic Promotions... - April 19, 2010 - SJS Comic Promotions

Larry’s Beans to be Featured at 2010 SCCA Expo

Raleigh’s Premiere Organic Coffee Roaster Teams up with FETCO - April 18, 2010 - Larry's Beans

Anchor Plastics Scholarship Award Recipients Chosen

Congratulations to Kathryn Tietz of the University of Northern Iowa and Justin Shatto of the University of South Dakota; they are both recipients of the 2009-2010 Anchor Plastics Scholarship Award at this year’s Pi Sigma Epsilon National Convention. These $1,000 each scholarships are... - April 17, 2010 - Anchor Plastics, Inc.

New Speakers Announced for MLOVE June 23-25

Nick Heller (Google), Beverly Jackson (Grammy Awards), Richard Titus (AND) and Jonathan MacDonald ( join 30 speakers for the MLOVE ConFestival. - April 16, 2010 - MLOVE ConFestival

EngEx and the World Trade Center San Diego Partner to Develop Export Opportunities at EngEx 2010

Supporting Presidential Policy to Double Exports in Five Years. - April 16, 2010 - EngEx Inc

Film Distribution Seminar & Panel Discussion Lead by Industry Experts in NYC on April 29, 2010

On April 29, 2010, President of Passion River Films, Allen Chou, will be teaching a film marketing and distribution seminar for filmmakers, and hosting a panel discussion featuring industry experts. - April 16, 2010 - Passion River Films

Nutricap Labs to Host Free GMP Webinar for Dietary Supplement Retailers

Nutricap Labs to Host Free GMP Webinar for Dietary Supplement Retailers

Leading vitamin and supplement manufacturer to lead presentation on how the final phase of integrating the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practice rule for dietary supplements could impact the current state of the dietary supplement manufacturing industry. - April 15, 2010 - Nutricap Labs

An Attorney for You Savors Role at Toyota Recall Lawsuit Conference

An Attorney for You Savors Role at Toyota Recall Lawsuit Conference

San Diego Toyota Recall Litigation Conference brings together attorneys nationwide with interest in pending Toyota recall lawsuits - April 15, 2010 - An Attorney for You

BESI Offers Defective Drywall Remediation Protocol That Exceeds CPSC/HUD Interim Guidance and Aligns with the Recent Court Ruling

BESI Offers Defective Drywall Remediation Protocol That Exceeds CPSC/HUD Interim Guidance and Aligns with the Recent Court Ruling

The recent CPSC/HUD publication of remediation guidelines and the findings of fact & conclusions of law filed by Judge Fallon are no cause for change to the remediation protocol endorsed by the Building Envelope Institute since October 2009. - April 15, 2010 - Building Envelope Science Institute

More Than 230 Exhibitors Are Ready for NAFA's 2010 Institute & Expo

NAFA Fleet Management Association holds its annual Institute & Expo in Detroit April 24-27. Over 230 exhibitors from all across North America will be part of this year's Expo Floor. - April 15, 2010 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

ALRM Announces New Trade Show Automated Follow Up System That Nurtures Leads Into Buyers

Marketing and Sales Departments do not have the time or resources to follow up on leads that are not yet ready to purchase goods or services. Many potential future sales fall through the cracks to competitors. ALRM is introducing an automated lead nurturing system that retains leads until they are ready to buy. - April 15, 2010 - ALRM

Winner of the $25,000 Grand Prize of 10th Annual Duke Start-Up Challenge to be Announced April 16 by Keynote Speaker Duke Alumnus Aaron Patzer ‘02, Founder & CEO

The 10th Annual Duke Start-Up Challenge (DSC), the premiere entrepreneurship competition at Duke University, and the Duke Global Entrepreneurship Network (DukeGEN), announced today that Aaron Patzer, founder and CEO of will be the keynote speaker for the Grand Finale Event on Friday, April 16, 2010. This event is the culmination of Duke’s year-long entrepreneurship competition that included a record 109 entries in the Elevator Pitch, Executive Summary, and Investor Pitch Competitions. - April 14, 2010 - Duke Global Entrepreneurship Network

Dr Klaus Menges, BfArM to Present at Pharma IQ’s Successful eCTD Lifecycle Management

Dr Klaus Menges has confirmed he will be presenting at Pharma IQ’s Successful eCTD Lifecycle Management, 27th-28th April 2010, London. - April 14, 2010 - IQPC

Carlton Hobbs to Participate in Los Angeles Antiques Show at the Santa Monica Air Center's Barker Hangar April 22nd-29th, Preview Gala April 21st

Carlton Hobbs LLC, the prominent international antiques dealer whose New York-based gallery is renown for showcasing 17th to 19th century European furniture, will make his debut at the Los Angeles Antiques Show, which opens at the Santa Monica Air Center’s Barkar Hangar, runs from April 22-29. - April 13, 2010 - Carlton Hobbs LLC

USCG Teams Up with "The Blue Wild 2010"

Announcing the Coast Guard’s live rescue demonstration at the Blue Wild Ocean Adventure Expo & Seminar. - April 13, 2010 - The Blue Wild

Seth Kahan Leads Diversity and Inclusion Workshop at World Bank

Innovative Leadership and Executive Strategy Consultant, Seth Kahan, will conduct an interactive Diversity and Inclusion workshop at the World Bank this month, challenging participants to approach change in a new way - working from the inside out rather than top-down or bottom-up. - April 11, 2010 - Performance Development Group

Moss Networks Brings VIP MIX+MINGLE Back to ad:tech San Francisco 2010

Moss Networks announces the return of their signature VIP MIX+MINGLE event to San Francisco in conjunction with the ad:tech SF tradeshow. - April 09, 2010 - Moss Networks

HiTech Stages Ltd. Retains NextPhaseStrategy to Implement its Branding and Marketing Material

HiTech Stages Ltd. - Rapidly Deployed - Fully Integrated - Engineered for Performance... - April 09, 2010 - HiTech Stages Ltd.

The Defective Drywall Protocol Offered by BESI Exceeds the Interim Remediation Guidance by CPSC and HUD - No Rework Necessary

The Defective Drywall Protocol Offered by BESI Exceeds the Interim Remediation Guidance by CPSC and HUD - No Rework Necessary

The Consumer Safety Product Commission and HUD published an interim remediation guidance dated April 2, 2010 since many owners are desiring to start repairing their homes or commercial buildings. BESI has been endorsing and providing certification for a remediation protocol since October of 2009 which exceeds the published interim remediation guidance. - April 07, 2010 - Building Envelope Science Institute

Laclede Gas, the Original Green Energy, Will Provide Expert Advice at Local Green Event

Come see the latest in green energy at Eco Expo on April 10th and 11th. - April 07, 2010 - Laclede Gas

DCIA Presents Inaugural P2P & CLOUD MEDIA SUMMIT

DCIA Presents Inaugural P2P & CLOUD MEDIA SUMMIT

This first-ever conference about the impact of P2P and cloud computing on the distribution of entertainment content will be held in conjunction with Digital Hollywood Spring on Thursday May 6th at Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel. Special early registration rates end on April 30th. - April 05, 2010 - Distributed Computing Industry Association

CPX Interactive’s EVP of Technology to Present on Sugar as a Transactional Platform at SugarCon 2010

CPX Interactive’s EVP of Technology to Present on Sugar as a Transactional Platform at SugarCon 2010

Sid Fein, head of technology for the online ad network, will discuss how CPX Interactive has customized and extended SugarCRM - April 05, 2010 - CPXi

Invengo Announces New RFID Tags, with Impinj Monza 4 Chip, and Also the Release of a UHF Gen 2 Hand Held Reader

Invengo Announces New RFID Tags, with Impinj Monza 4 Chip, and Also the Release of a UHF Gen 2 Hand Held Reader

Invengo Technology Corp. a manufacturer of UHF and HF RFID inlays, tags, cards, and readers, announced the launch of a new range of Monza 4 based inlays/tags and a UHF hand held reader. - April 05, 2010 - Invengo Technology Corporation

One Billion Minds Announces the Next50 Global Innovation Challenge

50 early stage innovators from around the world to gain entry into a powerful support ecosystem - April 04, 2010 - One Billion Minds

Tampa Bay FourSquare Day

Tampa Bay Businesses Encourage Customers To Check in on April 16, 2010. - April 02, 2010 - FourSquare Day

Rick Endres, President of The Washington Network, Inc., to Address Rotary Club of Herndon on Wednesday, April 7

Expert in Computer Networking and Telecommunications to Speak on “10 Things Your Competition Is Doing To Put You Out Of Business” - April 02, 2010 - The Washington Network Inc.

Robert J. Wyle, Director, Financial Risk Management, KPMG LLP to Speak at KC’s Event on Interest Rate Risk Issues - Practical Guidance Live Webcast on 4/28/10

The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Robert J. Wyle, CFA, Director, Financial Risk Management, KPMG LLP, will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ upcoming webcast entitled: “Interest... - April 02, 2010 - The Knowledge Group

GlacialLight to Attend Light+Building Show in Frankfurt

LED light manufacturer GlacialLight to exhibit at Architecture and Technology fair from 11-16 April, 2010. - April 02, 2010 - GlacialTech Inc

comCables Wine Tasting Benefit is a Tremendous Success

comCables Wine Tasting Benefit is a Tremendous Success

Denver-based comCables sponsored the Here’s Life Inner City - Denver (HLIC-Denver) Wine Tasting & Silent Auction Benefit for the 6th consecutive year. The HLIC-Denver Wine Tasting Benefit was held at the Tivoli in Denver on the evening of March 27, 2010. The event, attended by 115 wine... - April 01, 2010 - comCables

Solar Companies Learn to Leverage Public Market Data to Inform Decisions

Solar market experts Larry Sherwood and Jon Guice will instruct April 29th web tutorial for solar companies on using public information in business decisions. - April 01, 2010 - AltaTerra Research

Equitrekking PBS TV Host Darley Newman to Speak at Equine Affaire in Columbus, Ohio

Darley Newman, host of the Emmy Award-winning Equitrekking TV series on PBS, will be speaking to audiences and showing stunning high definition video from her adventures traveling the world on horseback at the upcoming Equine Affaire exposition in Columbus, Ohio February 8th and 9th. Darley is... - April 01, 2010 - Equitrekking

Redfearn and Associates Opens Doors to Lend a Helping Hand to Non-Profit Organizations in Need of Production and Event Planning Services

Redfearn and Associates is committed to providing high-quality, professional production and event planning services to non-profit organizations. - April 01, 2010 - Redfearn and Associates

TEDxSF Speaker Lineup and Theme Announced: Courage and Resilience San Francisco Event to be Held April 27th

TEDxSF, the Bay Area’s local, independent organization, announced TEDxSF: Courage and Resilience, an evening of fresh talks exploring the human spirit. Speakers include Captain Paul Watson, of the Sea Shepherd and Whale Wars fame, David Shenk, author of The Genius In All of Us, and Dr. John Gray, the best selling relationship author of Venus on Fire, Mars on Ice. - March 31, 2010 - TEDxSF

NAWBO San Diego's April Meeting Focuses on Getting Ahead by Giving Back

NAWBO San Diego's April 21 lunch meeting will feature strategist Joon Han presenting "Getting Ahead by Giving Back." The event takes place at the Sheraton La Jolla. Early bird pricing for members and visitors is available through 5 p.m. on April 15 at - March 31, 2010 - NAWBO San Diego

CME Outfitters Continues to Broaden International Experience by Presenting Satellite Symposium at the 2010 CINP Congress

CME Outfitters, LLC, announces that it will present a satellite symposium titled "Advances in the Treatment of Schizophrenia: New Approaches" on June 9, 2010, at the 2010 International College of Neuro-Psychopharmacology (CINP) Congress in Hong Kong. - March 31, 2010 - CME Outfitters, LLC

George Fern Company Named General Services Contractor by Australian-Based Exhibitions & Trade Fairs for LNG 17

George Fern Company selected for its event expertise, personalized service and high-touch solutions for international exhibitors. - March 30, 2010 - Fern Exposition & Event Services

Trust for Architectural Easements Promotes Historic Preservation in Greenwich, Connecticut

The Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program: Protecting America’s Architectural Treasures Through Voluntary Preservation Wednesday, May 19, 2010 7:00 p.m. Greenwich Library 101 West Putnam Avenue Greenwich, CT 06830 - March 27, 2010 - Trust for Architectural Easements

Trust for Architectural Easements Holds Second Seminar on Financial Incentives for Historic Preservation in Orange, California

The Trust for Architectural Easements is a leading force in the preservation of architectural heritage in the United States. To RSVP for the seminar or learn more about the Trust’s local preservation efforts, the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program and the donation process, contact the Trust at 1-888-831-2107 or visit - March 27, 2010 - Trust for Architectural Easements

CGS SuperShow Provides Intimate and Educational Views into the World of Comics

This year's CGS SuperShow, a creator focused comic convention held March 27 through March 28th at the Greater Reading Expo Center in Reading, PA, will be featuring panel discussions. These discussions will provide educational instruction on using comics in the classroom and for producing, marketing and distributing comics as well as a chance to learn from legends in the comics industry. - March 27, 2010 - CGS Supershow Programming

5th Annual aQuatic International Conference Announced

aQuatic today announced the 5th Annual aQuatic International Conference to be held in San Jose, California on May 10-12, 2009 - March 27, 2010 - aQuatic

Rome Apartments and Internazionali di Italia 2010 by Rome Sweet Home

Rome Apartments and Internazionali di Italia 2010 by Rome Sweet Home

The Internazionali di Italia 2010 tournament is approaching and website is still online with a wide offer of apartments in Rome for rent during that period . - March 26, 2010 - Rome Sweet Home

CrowdControlExperts.Com Announces New Line-Up of Stanchions

CrowdControlExperts.Com has launched a new and exciting line of stanchions for the commercial marketplace, offering the most comprehensive variety of lengths and finishes available today. CrowdControlExperts.Com said the new stanchions will allow its customers the opportunity to choose the correct... - March 25, 2010 -

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