Recent Headlines
Within Management, Scientific, & Technical Consulting Services
Ensemble Financial on List of Top Independent B/Ds
Ensemble Financial Services has been named one of the Top 50 independent Broker/Dealers in the nation by Investment News magazine. “This is a great accomplishment for Ensemble and we are proud to once again be ranked among the country’s top independent Broker/Dealers,” says... - May 16, 2008 - Ensemble Financial Services
R. Baker and Son All Industrial Services Completes Demolition of Silos
R. Baker and Son All Industrial Services completed the technical demolition, dismantlement and decommisssioning of two tall ash silos at an active power plant in New York. - May 16, 2008 - R. Baker and Son All Industrial Services
Stephen Chandra is the Newest ActionCOACH in Indonesia
Stephen Chandra believes that by helping others achieve a better personal and professional life, he will be able to improve the quality of his life as well. - May 16, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Multi-Cultural Experience and Leadership Skills Will Help Marc Bernard’s Foray Into Business Coaching
Marc Bernard believes that the key to success in business is not in the company or the business; the key is within the business owner. - May 16, 2008 - ActionCOACH
New Executive Leadership Training Ignites Local Businesses
David Ellis, President of Affinity Marketing and Communications in Dunedin recently announced the launch of a new division of his company. AMC Elite was developed to offer creative leadership training and education seminars, CDs and DVD programs for company executives who want to bring their company to the next level. - May 16, 2008 - Affinity Marketing & Communications, Inc.
Terry Betteridge, CEO of Betteridge Jewelers, Talks About Integrity of Purpose Since 1897 on The CEO Show with Robert Reiss
Terry Betteridge, CEO of Betteridge Jewelers, talks on the CEO Show with Robert Reiss about integrity of purpose to offer the finest quality jewelry, whose design always stands the test of time. Betteridge goes on to express his passion for perfection in both the estate jewelry his business chooses to sell, and the original designs created in-house by his craftsmen, widely considered the best of their trade in America. - May 16, 2008 - Reissource, LLC
Technology Associates Hosts Small Business Technology Showcase
Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (, a full-service technology solutions and support firm that specializes in providing network design, implementation, management and support to small to medium-sized businesses in North Carolina, has announced that the firm... - May 16, 2008 - Technology Associates
R. Baker & Son All Industrial Services Maintains 3A2 D&B Rating
Due to their financial strength, R. Baker and Son All Indutrial Services has had their D&B Rating maintained at a 3A3. - May 16, 2008 - R. Baker and Son All Industrial Services
Sentrana Unveils New Cross-Sell Predictive Solutions
Sentrana Inc. developes a new generation of cross-sell predictive solutions aimed at helping enterprises identify and act on likely associations between products that can increase the profitability of any given transaction. - May 15, 2008 - Sentrana, Inc.
Integrated Service Solutions, Inc. Celebrates 10 Years in Business
Largest independent services provider celebrates ten years of servicing the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and medical device sectors. - May 15, 2008 - Integrated Service Solutions, Inc.
Interpreting Services Industry Added to Common Sense Advisory’s Research and Consulting Expertise
Business globalization research and consulting firm adds interpreting industry expert consultant and author, Nataly Kelly, to its team of analysts. - May 15, 2008 - Common Sense Advisory
Society for Human Resource Management to Host Local Speaker on Recruiting and Retention of Top Talent
Wayne Perrett, president, Strategic HR Advisors will address attendees at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) membership meeting on Tuesday, June 17, 2008. There’s a phenomenon that is rapidly approaching our industry’s environment – a serious labor shortage that... - May 15, 2008 - Strategic HR Advisors
Guide to Recruiting, Developing, and Retaining Top Talent in a Labor Shortage
Strategic HR Advisors announced the publication of a series of articles in the international publication The Fabricator focusing on an organization’s ability to recruit, develop and retain top talent in today’s global environment. - May 15, 2008 - Strategic HR Advisors
Multi Frequency RFID Portable Reader Writer
Multi Frequency (LF) 13.56 MHz. and (UHF) 860 ~ 960 MHz. EPC GEN 2, ISO 18000 – 6 B, C, RFID Portable Reader and Writer with Full Color LCD Display. - May 15, 2008 - SkyRFID Inc.
Another Expansion for Nation's Largest Network of Ergonomic Service Providers
Atlas Ergonomics, LLC, the nation’s largest provider of ergonomics services to employers, announced today that it has added 59 groups to its nationwide network, and now offers services in 935 locations nationwide. Known for its results-based ergonomics programs, Atlas works with its... - May 14, 2008 - Atlas Ergonomics, LLC
ADX Technologies, Inc. Announces the Ultimate Technology Makeover Contest
Business is business and when it comes to loose wiring and unstable server connections, even large companies aren't immune to things going haywire. And when smaller businesses lag behind in the struggle to stay innovative, it can prove disastrous. Recognizing the plight of these companies, ADX Technologies, in partnership with the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce, announces the Ultimate Technology Makeover contest. - May 14, 2008 - ADX Technologies
RLDJ International Announces Partnership with Green Supply Chain. Org
With high energy costs, rising food prices, shortages, riots, a food distribution system in a complete meltdown and limiting damage to the environment, these are just some of the major challenges facing our society over the coming years. As the energy, environmental and food distribution debate... - May 14, 2008 - RLDJ INTERNATIONAL
"Cohesive Life Coaching" Helps Working Adults Excel in their Careers and Personal Lives
Moms and Dads struggling to excel as professionals and parents make tremendous gains by partnering with a with a life coach. Powerful Mind Coaching uses research in Psychology and Mind/Body health to support working parents in their careers and improve quality of life for families. Dr. Mary Coussons-Read, Founding Principal of Powerful Mind Coaching, discusses this process of Cohesive Life Coaching and her results. - May 13, 2008 - Powerful Mind Consulting and Coaching, LLC
Book Proof Original on Auction at eBay for Shelter House Charity
'Buy It Now' at $150k, and 20 percent of winning bid for donation to Shelter House of Fairfax County, Va. - May 13, 2008 - Reaching Peak LLC
AlignMark Indian Venture, Global Talent Metrics, Launches New Service to Help Companies Win the War for Talent
Global Talent Metrics (GTM), a leading talent technology company, announced the launch of StarReferral - An innovative Web 2.0 based talent referral system today. Considering the current market need for an innovative consumer-centric reward system to enhance the efficiency of online referrals, GTM... - May 12, 2008 - AlignMark
DSA Wins Award to Support DoD Spectrum Management Goals
Targeted at reducing frequency conflicts providing greater safety and surety of mission success to the Warfighter. - May 12, 2008 - Data Systems Analysts, Inc
Consultant and Business Operator, Doug Dredge Joins the ActionCOACH Team
Doug Dredge is excited about his new role as an ActionCOACH in the state of Utah. - May 11, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Pharmacist and Business Owner, Lori LeBlanc Has Joined ActionCOACH
LeBlanc enjoys mentoring and believes that she has many business and life experiences to share with others through speaking engagements. - May 11, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Top Business Coach Takes Game to New Level
Ruddle teams up with Robbie Williams, Jude Law and Rod Stewart – as part of “Brit Week” in a celebrity soccer match in Los Angeles. - May 10, 2008 - ActionCOACH
CEO of a Law Firm, Rolf Howard Has Plunged Into Business Coaching
Lawyer and Financial Planning Expert, Rolf Howard embraces his new role as an ActionCOACH. - May 10, 2008 - ActionCOACH
dynaTrace Wins 2008 JAX Innovation Award
Diagnostics software takes prestigious first prize at Java conference. - May 10, 2008 - dynaTrace software
Technology Associates Inks Deal with Harold W. Wells & Son, Inc.
Eric Hobbs, president of Technology Associates (, a full-service technology solutions and support firm specializing in network design, implementation, management and support to small to medium-sized businesses in North Carolina, has announced that the firm has been... - May 10, 2008 - Technology Associates
Lodestone Expands in Eastern Europe
Lodestone Management Consultants AG – a globally active provider of consulting services in the business transformation segment - has established two subsidiaries in Romania and the Czech Republic. Lodestone has already opened a subsidiary in Poland in 2007. With the founding of these two... - May 10, 2008 - Lodestone Management Consultants
Russian Sawlog and Pulpwood Prices Fell 20% in 1Q 2008 as Log Export Taxes Reduced Foreign Shipments, Causing Increased Domestic Supply
Russian domestic log prices fell sharply in the 1Q 2008 from their peak in the 4Q of last year, according to the market report Wood Resource Quarterly. Pine sawlog prices declined 22%, softwood pulpwood prices were down 20% and hardwood pulpwood costs fell just over 15%. The major reasons for the price declines were an improved log supply thanks to favorable logging conditions and a substantial reduction in log exports. - May 09, 2008 - Wood Resources International LLC
Reginald Batts Named OneCoach Regional Director
OneCoach Inc., the leader in small-business growth services, is please to announce that Reginald Batts has been named Regional Director. - May 09, 2008 - OneCoach
Active in the Community, Anne Dodge is Excited About Her New Business Coaching Practice
Anne Dodge is the newest ActionCOACH in Minnesota. - May 09, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Laura A. Schoppe Participates in Venture Capital Investment Competition at Kenan-Flagler Business School
Fuentek, LLC (, a consulting firm that provides intellectual property and technology management services, has announced that Laura A. Schoppe, president of the firm, was a judge in the 2008 Undergraduate Venture Capital Investment Competition (uVCIC) at the Kenan-Flagler Business... - May 09, 2008 - Fuentek, LLC
Agilo for Scrum V.0.6 Released. Improved Sprint Backlog with Dynamic Hierarchy.
The Berlin based agile42 GmbH has released version 0.6 of the Open Source Tool Agilo for Scrum. - May 09, 2008 - agile42
Jerry Akers Brings 32 Years of Managerial Experience to ActionCOACH
Akers believes that his experience coupled with the extraordinary ActionCOACH systems will lead to success in his new endeavor. - May 08, 2008 - ActionCOACH
ActionCOACH Business Growth Workshop Offered Free as Part of Steve Medwed Memorial Lecture Series
ActionCOACH, the world’s largest business coaching firm, is conducting “How to build a business that works without you,” a workshop for growth-minded business owners, Thursday, May 15 at Capitol PhotoInteractive, 1300 Post Road, Fairfield, CT, from 5:15 p.m to 7 p.m. For... - May 08, 2008 - ActionCOACH of CT
Business-Building Lunch Program Focuses on Succeeding in This Difficult Economy
ActionCOACH of Connecticut, part of the world’s largest business coaching organization, is presenting “How to Thrive—Not Just Survive—in This Difficult Economy,” a lunchtime program for growth-minded business owners and professionals. Part of Action’s ongoing... - May 08, 2008 - ActionCOACH of CT
Hegg Marine Solutions Announces Launch of New Business; Aims to Generate Synergy Through Client-Driven Innovation
“HMS” Embarks on New Mission with Long History in Oceanographic Project Management and Support. - May 08, 2008 - Hegg Marine Solutions
OneCoach Announces Franchise Expansion: Gene McNaughton Will Develop San Diego Region
OneCoach, the leader in small-business growth, welcomes Gene McNaughton as a new franchise owner for San Diego, providing local entrepreneurs with customizable business coaching and consulting services. - May 08, 2008 - OneCoach
London Software Company Launches Energy, Time and Money Saving Green IT Solution Carbonwise™
Powerful new solution reverses the trend of green equals expensive by providing financial savings, reduction in carbon emissions and increased IT efficiency. - May 08, 2008 - Living Life Green
UTRS Announces Acquisition of Professional Corrosion Service, LLC
UTRS, a New Jersey based engineering and government procurement firm announces the acquisition of Professional Corrosion Service, LLC, a Philadelphia based cathodic protection engineering and transit system design firm. - May 07, 2008 - Universal Technical Resource Services, Inc.
Universal Wrecking Completes Recycling of Shipping Containers for Scrap Metal
Universal Wrecking Corp. (UWC), a premier demolition and scrap metal contractor, recently completed the purchase and scrap metal recycling of damaged cargo containers. - May 07, 2008 - Universal Wrecking Corp
Entrepreneur Shares Lessons Learned with Small Business Owners
Rix opens ActionCOACH office serving New South Wales. - May 07, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Spearmint Rhino Brings on Michael Adair as Senior Web Developer
Brought on to first complete the Spearmint Rhino member-based website (accessible through, Adair has built the website from the ground up and the site will feature exclusive hardcore photos and videos of both well-known adult film stars and real entertainers from the Spearmint... - May 07, 2008 - Spearmint Rhino Consulting Worldwide, Inc.
Sharon Alt to Speak at Continuing Education Event Presented by Heart of Texas Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management
Alt Benefit Consultants President to Participate in Annual HR & Employment Law Conference. - May 07, 2008 - Alt Benefits Consultants
J. Millennium Signs Iona Moon for Pax River Expansion
Network infrastructures company chooses local BD firm for NAVAIR marketing push. - May 05, 2008 - Iona Moon
Core Practice Partners Creates 12 Hour Shift Scheduling Practice
The creation of 12 Hour Shift Schedules will now have a specialized division at Core Practice Partners, becoming the first firm to formally recognize the need. - May 04, 2008 - Core Practice Partners LLC
Queensland Business Owner Announces ActionCOACH Practice
Campbell will share entrepreneurial secrets with area businesses. - May 04, 2008 - ActionCOACH
R. Baker & Son All Industrial Services Donates to Project Hospitality
R. Baker & Son All Industrial Services (R. Baker & Son), a specialized dismantlement, decommissioning, plant relocation and demolition contractor, recently donated to Project Hospitality as part of their “Shelter From The Storm” Spring Luncheon. This annual event is a... - May 04, 2008 - R. Baker and Son All Industrial Services
Veteran Businessman Offers Business Coaching Practice in San Jose
David Wong to represent ActionCOACH, the world’s #1 coaching firm. - May 04, 2008 - ActionCOACH
Small Business Consultant Opens Indianapolis ActionCOACH Office
Benigni packages regional expertise with proven ActionCOACH solutions. - May 04, 2008 - ActionCOACH