RFID Tribe Launches Its Montreal Chapter

Business Activity Accelerates with Radio Frequency Identification Community Forum - August 09, 2007 - RFID Tribe

Endometriosis Research Center Announces Winner of Nancy Petersen, RN Nursing Scholarship

Award Seeks to Increase Endometriosis Awareness Among Future Healthcare Leaders - August 08, 2007 - Endometriosis Research Center

Portable Storage Addresses Classroom Overcrowding

The portable storage industry could help tackle the crowded classroom issue with containerized storage that can morph into inexpensive, temporary facilities for students. - August 05, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

ProtestHealthCare.org Takes on Dallas

Texans will rally for change at Dallas City Hall in support of solving the problem of the American healthcare system - August 03, 2007 - ProtestHealthCare.org

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences Hosts Project Suc-SEED

Dr. William F. Greenlee, president and CEO of The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences, an independent, nonprofit organization that offers an open, collaborative and cross-disciplinary approach to strengthen the research investment in biomedical sciences, has announced that it will host the... - August 01, 2007 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) Announces New Premier Partner

VANetworking.com – the website devoted to promoting Virtual Assistants and their businesses – is proud to announce Kathie M. Thomas, Principal "A Clayton's Secretary”® as a new Premier Partner to the forum. As a Premier Partner, Kathie is offering a 20% discount to... - August 01, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) Announces New Premier Partner

VANetworking.com – the website devoted to promoting Virtual Assistants and their businesses – is proud to announce Penny Haynes (1st Podcast Publishing) as a new Premier Partner to the forum. As a Premier Partner, Penny is offering an exclusive price for VANA members for the 9+ hour VA... - August 01, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Hummingbird Creative Group Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Hummingbird Creative Group as a member in the advertising category. Through its membership, Hummingbird will have access to business development events, Internet... - July 31, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

TV Legend Donny Deutsch, Political Editor Arianna Huffington to Speak at Direct-to-Consumer Conference

The Electronic Retailing Association will hold its 2007 Annual Convention on September 30-October 2, at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas. More than 3,000 attendees will gather for two full days to hear top business leaders address industry trends, regulatory standards, and solutions to issues affecting direct marketers. Donny Deutsch, charismatic TV host and advertising industry legend, will be the ERA Annual Convention keynote speaker. - July 29, 2007 - Electronic Retailing Association

New Book Explores Activism of Black Club Women in Arizona

The Arizona Association of Colored Women's Clubs has just published a history of black women's activism and club activity within the state starting in 1915. It is a first of its kind, illustrated with contemporary and historic information, documents, photographs, genealogies, biographies and even recipes. - July 29, 2007 - Arizona Association of Colored Women's Clubs

NPSA Fights Internet Fraud With Web Alerts

The National Portable Storage Association is serving as a watchman for the portable storage industry, which is seeing scam e-mails make their way to vendors' inboxes. - July 29, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Gay and Lesbian Immigration Rights Subject of Award-Winning Film

Sebastian Cordoba’s Through Thick and Thin Wins Outfest Freedom Award - July 28, 2007 - Out4Immigration

American Association of University Women Honors The Ophelia Project

The Ophelia Project President and CEO Mary A. Baird stood in front of hundreds of prominent individuals in education July 2 to accept the American Association of University Women’s Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award. The award was presented to The Ophelia Project at the AAUW’s 2007 National... - July 28, 2007 - The Ophelia Project

eWomenNetwork Presents A Day for Every Businesswoman in Northern Colorado

Women Are Changing The Face of Business. Two exceptional speakers and a Blue Ribbon Panel of Women in Business await you at the extraordinary event. Pair this exceptional education event with extraordinary networking, fabulous display booths and of course a wonderful Silent Auction and you have a day not to be missed for women in business. - July 28, 2007 - GR8 Ideas At Work!

Real Estate Investment Club Presenting Educational Seminars on Secrets of Credit, Nationwide Investment Opportunities

The National Real Estate Investment Club is having its monthly northern California chapter meetings next week. Pritam Sinha will be speaking about business lines of credit, and NREI club will present investment opportunities in Boise, Idaho and Biloxi, Mississippi. - July 27, 2007 - National Real Estate Investment Club, Inc.

'Shock Treatment' is Grievous Bodily Harm

“Electroconvulsive therapy should not be an option in the mental health bill,” says watchdog. - July 27, 2007 - CCHRUK

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of The Triangle Names New Associate Member

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Gold’s Gym as an associate member in the fitness facility core business category. Through its associate membership, Gold’s Gym will have access to... - July 26, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Speaking Of Women’s Health Foundation Seeks Volunteers

Lisa Roberts, M.D., event chair of the Raleigh chapter of Speaking of Women’s Health, has announced that the organization is are seeking volunteers to assist with their upcoming women’s health conference. Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities prior to and during the... - July 26, 2007 - Speaking of Women's Health

Yolanda Coly Named Managing Director of The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF)

The National Association of Minority & Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) has announced that Yolanda Coly has been named Managing Director effective August 1, 2007. Ms. Coly has been with NAMWOLF for the past 3 ½ years, in the capacity of Associate Director. She has been an integral part... - July 25, 2007 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms

Comedian, Actor Henry Cho Headlines Riverside Humane Society Pet Adoption Center’s 10th Annual Comedy Night on Sept. 7

Riverside (CA) Humane Society’s 10th Annual Comedy Night fundraiser features comedians Henry Cho and Bryan Erwin, raffle prize of a luxury weekend at the historic Mission Inn, and silent and live auctions. - July 23, 2007 - Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center

Portable Storage Offers Affordable Housing Solutions

Steel containers are being turned into affordable housing. It’s a solution that many communities are adopting as the portable storage industry continues to find new and innovative uses for its products. - July 21, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Xclaimed Ministries 7-7-7 Event at the Rose Bowl Stadium - An Xtraordinary Success

Xclaimed Ministries 7-7-7 Event at the Rose Bowl Stadium - An Xtraordinary Success

The Xclaimed Ministries, July 7, 2007 event at the Rose Bowl Stadium was an Xtraordinary success. Over 9000 people enjoyed a day of celebrating Jesus Christ with seven hours of entertainment and worship by seven bands and an evangelistic message by Pastor Paul Karanick. - July 20, 2007 - Xclaimed Ministries, Inc

People Care 4 Day Care Launches Fundraising Drive with Rare Sports Footage

People Care 4 Day Care, Inc., has launched its annual fundraising drive with a special offer for supporters: rare sports interviews and videos. "These sports classics cannot be found elsewhere and we are excited to be able to offer them as gifts to those who make donations of $25 (video) or... - July 20, 2007 - People Care 4 Day Care, Inc.

EOS Remediation Expands U.S. Sales and Marketing Network

EOS Remediation welcomes Craig Marlow to their Sales and Marketing Team. Mr. Marlow’s support will assure the Company's continued commitment to provide outstanding customer service and assistance to ensure superior remediation outcomes. - July 20, 2007 - EOS Remediation, LLC

Virtual Assistant Networking Association Announces Dr. Taffy Wagner as New Premier Partner

VAnetworking.com – the website devoted to promoting Virtual Assistants and their businesses – is proud to announce Dr. Taffy Wagner, Founder of Journey to Wholeness (journeytowholeness.net), as a new Premier Partner to the forum. Making money is one reason people start a business. Will... - July 19, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Real Estate Investment Club Presenting New Nationwide Investment Opportunities at VIP Meeting

National Real Estate Investment Club is having its monthly VIP meeting this Saturday morning at the Fremont Marriott. Come learn about investment opportunities in Missouri, South Carolina, and Texas. - July 19, 2007 - National Real Estate Investment Club, Inc.

TERI Initiates Herbal Project for Communities; Plans to Extend it Nationwide

“Herbal and Botanic Gardens are playing a key role in protecting all our plants for the future and TERI’s initiative highlights the importance of plants and the ecosystem services they provide for all life on earth, and aims to ensure their conservation.” Dr RK Pachauri, Director General of TERI. - July 19, 2007 - The Energy and Resources Institute

Podcast Addresses Speaking of Women’s Health Conference

Erika Mangrum, co-chair of the Raleigh Chapter of Speaking of Women’s Health and president of Iatria Day Spa, has announced the release of a podcast providing details on the Speaking of Women’s Health Conference, a two-day event in Raleigh Friday, Sept. 14 and Saturday, Sept. 15 at the... - July 18, 2007 - Speaking of Women's Health

Virtual Assistant Association Hosts July 19 Webinar on Utilizing Collaborative Virtual Office Technology

Virtual Assistants and other virtual service providers to learn how to leverage virtual office technology to work more collaboratively with clients, streamline operations, reduce time and resource costs and cultivate deeper client relationships. - July 17, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce

Creative Gifting Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the organization has named Creative Gifting as a member in the gift baskets facility core business category. Through its membership, Creative Gifting will have access to business... - July 16, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Transformers: Portable Storage in Disguise

The blockbuster film Transformers is wowing moviegoers nationwide, but portable storage units are up for some action with the ability to morph from one use to another. - July 15, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

National Real Estate Investment Club Expands in to Las Vegas, NV with a New Chapter Focused on Educating the Public on Real Estate Education and Investments

National Real Estate Investment Club's grand opening of its Las Vegas chapter will be on July 18 at the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. At the event, attendees can learn about asset protection and great investment opportunities in Indianapolis and Costa Rica. NREI Club will hold monthly meetings at the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce. - July 13, 2007 - National Real Estate Investment Club, Inc.

Virtual Assistant Networking Association Announces Seminar on Money, Mission and Marketing

VAnetworking.com is pleased to introduce Maxine Hyndman, author of “The Organic Entrepreneur” and "The Naked Millionaire." - July 11, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

Mort’s Incorporated Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Mort’s Incorporated as a member in the trophies, plaques and awards category. Through its membership, Mort’s will have access to business development... - July 11, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Party Showcase Named Member of Local Business Club

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named Party Showcase as a member in the event supplies category. Through its membership, Party Showcase will have access to business development events, Internet... - July 09, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

RFID Tribe's Dallas, Texas Chapter Meets to Discuss RFID Innovation in Healthcare

RFID Innovation in Healthcare is the theme for RFID Tribe's Dallas, Texas chapter meeting scheduled for July 20, 2007. RFID Tribe chapter meetings bring together RFID technology practitioners in metropolitan areas for networking, presentations and collaboration. Dr. JC Chiao, associate professor... - July 08, 2007 - RFID Tribe

Special Libraries Association (USA) Awards the TERI Library for Achievement and Excellence 2007

Mr. Debal C. Kar, Fellow, Library and Information Centre, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), was awarded with the SLA Diversity Leadership Development Program (DLDP) award for 2007 for his commitment and dedication to the profession. - July 08, 2007 - The Energy and Resources Institute

Tualatin Chamber of Commerce Announces the 57th Annual Tualatin Crawfish Festival

The Tualatin Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the 57th Annual Tualatin Crawfish Festival will take place Friday, August 10 and Saturday, August 11, 2007. The theme for the 2007 festival is “Lights…Camera…Crawfish” This theme will be utilized throughout the... - July 06, 2007 - Tualatin Chamber of Commerce

Homeschool Roundup Presents Options for Homeschooling in San Antonio

Homeschool conference at Our Lady of the Lake University on July 28th, 2007. Come and learn about homeschooling in San Antonio. - July 05, 2007 - San Antonio Home Education Resources and Opportunities

Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of The Triangle Names New Member

Penn Shore, president of the Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Breakfast Club of the Triangle, has announced that the club has named The Castleton Group as an executive charter member in the human resource outsourcing and training core business category. With this membership, The Castleton... - July 05, 2007 - The Northwestern Mutual Breakfast Club of the Triangle

Speaking of Women’s Health Conference Seeks Honorees

Speaking of Women’s Health, a two-day event designed to influence women in making informed decisions about their health, well-being and personal safety, is now accepting 2007 honoree nominations for the upcoming conference to be held Friday, Sept. 14 and Saturday, Sept. 15 at the North... - July 05, 2007 - Speaking of Women's Health

Virtual Assistant Networking Association (VANA) Announces CWAHM as New Premier Partner

VANetworking.com – the hottest, friendliest, informative, educational and resourceful network for VAs – announces CWAHM, as a new Premier Partner to the forum. - July 05, 2007 - Virtual Assistant Networking Association

“Deciding Who’s On First - Setting Priorities” - A New Leadership Resource from Harvest Fields Commissioning International

In a new 39-minute film “Deciding Who’s On First – Setting Priorities” many of the world’s top Christian leaders share the truths that they have learned through many years of experience and by leading large numbers of team members. - July 05, 2007 - Harvest Fields Commissioning International

What is NARI? The National Association of the Remodeling Industry

The Voice of The National Association of the Remodeling Industry brings together people who work in and with the remodeling industry, belonging and growing by learning from one another. As professionals, we create an exceptional experience for the remodeling consumer. - July 04, 2007 - The National Association of the Remodeling Industry

Found Orphaned or Injured Wildlife? Find Help via Your Cell Phone. WildlifeRehabber.com Launches Mobile Access to Its Members Directory.

Cell phone users can now quickly access listings of individuals and organizations available to assist them using their cell phone or PDA if they should happen to find orphaned and injured wildlife. WildlifeRehabber.com is launching mobile access to member listings so that people can quickly locate... - July 04, 2007 - WildlifeRehabber.com

US National Downshifting Week July 7-13th

Conscious Consuming teams up with sustainable living writer/broadcaster Tracey Smith to launch the first US National Downshifting Week. - July 04, 2007 - Conscious Consuming

National Portable Storage Association Offers Emergency Planning Tips

Most companies are not prepared for disaster to strike, according to studies. The National Portable Storage Association offers tips for Emergency Action Plans. - July 04, 2007 - National Portable Storage Association

Seniors Write a Book and Donate a Portion of Proceeds to Alzheimer's Disease and Breast Cancer Research

Seniors Write a Book and Donate a Portion of Proceeds to Alzheimer's Disease and Breast Cancer Research

A group of seniors have co-written a novelette as a fund-raising project for their day support program and a portion of the profits from each book will be given to support Alszheimer's Research and Breast Cancer Research. - July 03, 2007 - CareWell Recreation Programs for Seniors

Electronic Retailers Warn on Net Neutrality in Response to FTC Report

U.S. Dropping Far Behind in Technological Advances and Competitive Rates for Broadband Services - July 02, 2007 - Electronic Retailing Association

Spa Business Clinic Makes Its Debut in the Mid-West of the US

One of the major missions of The Day Spa Association and the International Medical Spa Association is to provide business education. “Any industry whose owners and facilities come and go gets a bad reputation”, states Hannelore R. Leavy, Founder and Executive Director of the... - July 01, 2007 - The Day Spa Association

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