RENA Networks Launches Today to Help Businesses Build Networks, Enhance Social Capital and Generate Productive Referrals

New company helps businesses and sales people build powerful referral networks - March 12, 2009 - RENA Networks

Independent Businesswoman Wins National Competition

Gabrielle Mullinax, owner of Fullerton Photographics and Board of Directors member of Independent Photo Imagers, recently won $25,000 in the Custom Photo Gift Promotion Competition at PMA09. - March 12, 2009 - Independent Photo Imagers

Wells Fargo CEO Stumpf to Speak at CED’s Venture 2009

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced the keynote speakers for the Venture 2009 conference, scheduled for... - March 12, 2009 - CED

Raleigh Named One of the Healthiest Housing Markets for 2009

Ken Atkins, executive director for Wake County Economic Development (WCED) (, has announced that Raleigh was named one of the healthiest housing markets of 2009 by Builder Magazine. The publication analyzed 75 housing markets across the country and ranked them based on their... - March 12, 2009 - Wake County Economic Development

NPSA Resale Expo Tackles Economic Issues

Portable storage industry players will gather in Santa Barbara this May to discuss how the economy is impacting portable storage – and what to do about it. - March 12, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Former Co-Head of the Corporate Finance Department of Raymond James Joins American Liquor Alliance, LLC

Ron Miller of Miller Advisory Corp. has formally joined forces with American Liquor Alliance, LLC to spearhead Mergers & Acquisitions as American Liquor Alliance continues the march to revolutionize the retail wine and spirits industry. - March 12, 2009 - American Liquor Alliance, LLC

Texas Association of Health Underwriters Lobbies for Consumer Advocacy

Agents Gather to Discuss Health Insurance Issues with Legislators - March 11, 2009 - Texas Association of Health Underwriters

Vision Pune City - 2020

Suresh Kalmadi the MP of Pune has launched the “Vision 2020” Campaign to make Pune a World Class City. He has invited to Share your thoughts for the same. - March 09, 2009 -

Tony Gemignani's New Children's Book Goes National

Tony and the Pizza Champions is based on the true story of Tony Gemignani, Nine- Time world pizza champion, and his talented team's travels to Italy to compete in an international competition. Pizza lovers of all ages get an inside look into the acrobatic art of pizza tossing, and to see the many... - March 08, 2009 - World Pizza Champions

Kelly Chicas, Psychotherapist Announces "Relationship Rescue" Workshop on March 18, 25 and April 1, 2009

Kelly Chicas of Albuquerque Family Counseling is committed to assisting the non-traditional individual, couple or family with improving their lives through the workshops such as “Relationship Rescue.” - March 08, 2009 - Albuquerque Family Counseling

Kelly Chicas, Psychotherapist Announces “Money Habitudes” Workshop on March 19, 2009

Kelly Chicas of Albuquerque Family Counseling is committed to assisting the non-traditional individual, couple or family with improving their lives through the workshops such as “Money Habitudes.” - March 08, 2009 - Albuquerque Family Counseling

DVD Association is Now the International Digital Media Alliance

20 Yr-Old Non-profit DVDA Continues Traditions while Expanding Mission and Scope as IDMA. - March 07, 2009 - International Digital Media Alliance

Hagerstown Businessman Paul Ritchie Nominated for TIME Magazine 2009 Dealer of the Year Award

Paul Ritchie, president of Hagerstown Honda has been nominated for the TIME Magazine Dealer of the Year award, in recognition of more than 30 years of service to the industry, the business community, and local civic organizations. - March 06, 2009 - Maryland Automobile Dealers Association

Council For Entrepreneurial Development Announces CED’s Venture 2009 Conference

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced that the CED’s Venture 2009 conference will be held Wednesday,... - March 06, 2009 - CED

MDA Leadership Consulting Announces Promotions in Developmental Assessment and Coaching Service Areas

MDA Leadership Consulting has promoted David Donnay to Director of Developmental Assessment Services and Jason Ortmeier to Director of Coaching Services. Steady growth in the firm's leadership development practice, coupled with demonstrated leadership by Donnay and Ortmeier in their respective areas, led to the promotion decisions. In their new roles, they will work closely with clients to accelerate leadership development and enhance the impact of new, mid-, and senior-level leaders. - March 06, 2009 - MDA Leadership Consulting

Community College Baccalaureate Association Announces 2009 Student Essay Contest Winner

The Community College Baccalaureate Association (CCBA) and Community College Week are pleased to announce the winner of their 2009 Student Essay Contest. Kristell Mohammed, a student at The College of Southern Nevada in North Las Vegas, Nevada has won first place for her essay entitled, “On... - March 06, 2009 - Community College Baccalaureate Association

How do We Keep A-Rated Schools on a Shoestring Budget?

School districts across the country have experienced significant budget cuts. How will Americans develop the future workforce on a shoestring budget? This question and others will be discussed at the 3rd Annual Workforce and Education Forum: Partnerships for a Competitive Workforce: Defining the... - March 04, 2009 - Clay County Chamber of Commerce

Wake County Economic Development Announces Munktell Filter AB Selects Raleigh for Expansion

Ken Atkins, executive director for Wake County Economic Development (WCED) (, has announced that Munktell Filter AB, a Swedish-based paper filtration company, has opened its first North American sales and distribution office in Raleigh at Brier Creek. From its new Raleigh... - March 04, 2009 - Wake County Economic Development

Nation’s Top Universities to Compete in National Security Innovation Competition

Top universities in the country to compete in innovation competition that will bring new technology to the U.S. to aid in homeland security. - March 03, 2009 - Colorado Homeland Defense Alliance

National Women’s in Network Announces Third Annual "Matrix"

Event Features Educational Workshops for Professional and Personal Development, Co-ed Networking, Dining and “Winning Connection” Book Signing by NWIN President, Laura Moritz, and co-author and Life Coach, Sheila Pearl. - March 02, 2009 - Prosper Communications

Early Bird Special for National Business Convention “Wild About Business” Ends April 9th

WBO National Business Convention presented by Office Max, Inc. will be held in Houston, TX on October 22nd through 24th, 2009. Women entrepreneurs from around the world will experience a fun filled convention of networking, workshops, and a live business expo. In keeping with this year’s... - March 02, 2009 - Women Business Owners

Speakers Announced for 1st Latin America Medical Tourism & Health Tourism Congress April 27th-29th 2009

1st Latin America Medical Tourism & Health Tourism Congress takes places in Monterrey, Mexico, April 27th-29th, 2009. The Medical Tourism Association, and Monterrey Healthcare City have partnered together to... - February 28, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Medical Tourism Association Releases Last Twenty Educational Interview Videos on Magazine Website

The Medical Tourism Association announces its Release of the last twenty educational videos which consist of interviews from the Medical Tourism Association’s annual conference World Medical Tourism & Global Health Congress. The conference took place in September 2008 with 850 attendees,... - February 27, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

NPSA Partners with BuyerZone

The National Portable Storage Association partners with BuyerZone to offer its members preferred pricing on lead generation services. - February 27, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

San Diego American Marketing Association Presents 11th Annual AMA Cause Conference

Conference designed to help nonprofits survive and thrive with effective corporate and community partnerships during difficult economic times - February 26, 2009 - San Diego American Marketing Assoc.

Connecticut Better Business Bureau Cautions Consumers About Going-Out-of-Business Sales

Liquidation prices are sometimes a bad deal - February 26, 2009 - Better Business Bureau CT Co-Founder Kevin Smokler to Keynote Arizona Book Publishing Association Annual Conference

Kevin Smokler, co-founder of, will keynote Arizona Book Publishing Association’s annual conference on February 28th in Phoenix. Speaking about “The Impact of Future Technology on the Publishing Industry,” Smokler will encourage attendees not to wring their hands about the evolving market, but embrace all the possibilities it brings. - February 26, 2009 - Arizona Book Publishing Association

New Broadband Advocacy Group Launched: RuMBA USA Brings Together Mobile Broadband Carriers and Equipment Makers to Address the Stimulus Package Grants

The Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance (RuMBA) USA was launched to assist rural community residents, carriers and equipment makers in raising awareness of the benefits of rural mobile broadband, and to encourage the most responsible use of stimulus package funds, thus maximizing the positive impact of broadband on the lives of ordinary Americans. Visit: for more information. - February 25, 2009 - Rural Mobile and Broadband Alliance USA

ACN Prepares to Host its Largest Convention as San Diego Venue Sells Out

ACN, the world’s largest direct selling telecommunications company and video phone distributor, will host a historic event to a sold-out crowd in San Diego, California. ACN’s 2009 International Convention will be held February 27 – March 1 at the San Diego Convention... - February 25, 2009 - ACN News

Publishing Innovator Victoria Blake to Show Authors/Publishers New Ways to Think About Book Content

Inventor of the "wovel" -- a serialized novel whose chapters are posted on the Web week by week as readers vote to decide where the story should go -- Victoria Blake of Underland Press will assert that books are not books, but content in book form on February 28th at Arizona Book Publishing Association's (ABPA) annual conference, Realities of Publishing: Preparing for Changes in the Industry - February 25, 2009 - Arizona Book Publishing Association

Council for Entrepreneurial Development’s Biotech 2009 Shatters Attendance Record

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced that CED’s Biotech 2009 conference, held Feb. 16-17 at the Raleigh... - February 25, 2009 - CED

Andrew Savikas of O'Reilly Media to Show How New Reading Apps Are Changing the Publishing Industry

One of the publishing industry's key thought-leaders, Andrew Savikas of O'Reilly Media, will bring his vision of the future of publishing to Phoenix on February 28th. As one of the lead presenters at Arizona Book Publishing Association's (ABPA) annual conference, Realities of Publishing: Preparing for Changes in the Industry, Savikas will discuss how changing technology is producing Different Distribution Models for content. - February 23, 2009 - Arizona Book Publishing Association

Kelly Chicas, Psychotherapist Announces Launch of New Blog, Albuquerque Family Counseling

Kelly Chicas of Albuquerque Family Counseling is committed to assisting the non-traditional individual, couple or family with improving their lives through the addition of the Albuquerque Family Counseling blog. - February 23, 2009 - Albuquerque Family Counseling

HSPI Hosts Policy & Research Forum Discussion: Homeland Security Priorities for the 111th Congress

GW’s Homeland Security Policy Institute (HSPI) will host a Policy and Research Forum Discussion to address key Homeland Security priorities for the 111th Congress. This discussion is part of the HSPI Policy and Research Forum Series, which is designed to spotlight cutting-edge policy... - February 21, 2009 - George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute

Tennessee Motor Coach Association Challenges All State, Regional & National Associations to Match $25,000 Contribution to Motorcoach Council of North America

TMCA Donation trumps all others – twelve times the requested dollar amount! Chris Levering (Grayline Nashville) and Bill Gentry (Gentry Trailways) were directly responsible for the success of the unanimous vote passed by the TMCA Board to contribute $25,000 to the Motorcoach Council. By pooling the industry’s human and financial resources, they hope to create a large-scale, positive impact on the industry. - February 20, 2009 - Motorcoach Council, Inc.

Collegiate News Stories Wanted for Cash Prizes

Washington D.C. journalism institute seeks entries for the 2009 Robert Novak Collegiate Award. - February 20, 2009 - The Fund for American Studies

News Stories Wanted, $30,000 Cash Prizes to be Awarded

Washington D.C. journalism institute seeks entries for professional and collegiate journalism awards. - February 20, 2009 - The Fund for American Studies

NPSA Partners with Revelation Media

The National Portable Storage Association partners with Revelation Media Networks to offer preferred pricing on marketing, PR and web services. - February 20, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

IBBA Makes an Impact at the Southern Section Animal Science Conference

The International Brangus Breeders Association (IBBA) is proud to announce the success of its recent participation in the Southern Section Animal Science Conference. The IBBA continues to aggressively establish contact with members of the educational extension system in an effort to both introduce... - February 19, 2009 - International Brangus Breeders Association

Maryland Automobile Dealers Association Members Donate Resusci Anne CPR Training Mannequins to Seven Area EMS Crews

Emergency services workers at seven locations throughout Central Maryland will be able to expand their community CPR education programs with the donation of new adult training mannequins and AED simulators by the Maryland Automobile Dealers Association (MADA) and two area auto dealerships. On... - February 19, 2009 - Maryland Automobile Dealers Association

Football Coach and Inspiration for Remember the Titans Movie to Speak at Business Club Meeting

Herman Boone to be featured speaker at BCA Triangle breakfast on February 20. - February 18, 2009 - Business Clubs of the Triangle

SunTech Medical, Inc. Touts Relationship with Wake County Economic Development

Ken Atkins, executive director for Wake County Economic Development (WCED) (, has announced the release of a new audio podcast discussing the organization’s value-add relationship with SunTech Medical, Inc., one of the world’s leading medical device companies... - February 18, 2009 - Wake County Economic Development

City of Raleigh Proclaims Feb. 16 Biotechnology Day in Honor of CED’s Biotech 2009

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced that the City of Raleigh has issued a proclamation dedicating Monday,... - February 18, 2009 - CED

New Directors Appointed to the Board of the Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals

The Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals (ALDAP), a non-profit organization established in 2007 to further the legal document assistant (LDA) and paralegal professions, has announced the appointment of two new Directors. Cara Gould has been appointed to the position of Secretary, and... - February 16, 2009 - Alliance of Legal Document Assistant Professionals

CED Releases Podcast on the State of Biotechnology in North Carolina

Joan Siefert Rose, president of the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (CED) (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced the release of a new podcast discussing the current state of... - February 15, 2009 - CED

Marketing Financial Joins Advisor Nation as a Network Provider

Advisor Nation is pleased to welcome Marketing Financial as a new Provider on its online business network for insurance and securities professionals. - February 15, 2009 - Advisor Nation

Medical Tourism Association Announces 1st Latin America Medical Tourism & Health Tourism Congress – April 26-28th, 2009

The Medical Tourism Association and Monterrey Healthcare City have partnered together to create the 1st ever Medical Tourism and Health Tourism Conference for Latin America, which will take place April 26-28th, 2009 in Monterrey, Mexico. - February 14, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Shipping Containers Highlighted in NY Time Story

The National Portable Storage Association’s work to raise awareness of the industry is paying dividends with coverage in the New York Times. - February 14, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Local Business Women's Network Ignites Hope in Dismal Economic Crisis

Dinner With Friends Women’s Network offers creative marketing solutions and effective networking to help businesses thrive in an economic down turn. - February 13, 2009 - Dinner With Friends Women's Network

CLM Announces Advisory Board Changes

The Council on Litigation Management (CLM) has announced that Domenick DiCicco, SVP, Chief Legal Officer for Zurich North America and Helen Gillcrist, Vice President and Manager of Enterprise Legal Services of Liberty Mutual have agreed to serve as the Council’s Advisory Board Chairman and... - February 13, 2009 - Council on Litigation Management

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