Recent Headlines
Within Business, Professional, Labor, Political, & Similar Organizations
The Council on Litigation Management Announces Strategic Affiliation with Association of Litigation Support Professionals
The Council on Litigation Management (CLM) announced today an affiliation with the Association of Litigation Support Professionals (ALSP) as part of CLM’s strategic affiliation program. The association with the ALSP is the latest in CLM’s program to develop mutually-beneficial... - October 17, 2008 - Council on Litigation Management
First Nonprofit Organization Focusing on Nanotechnology Innovations to Keep America in the Technology Race
The Nanotechnology Research Foundation (NRF) was recently established as the first non-profit organization specifically focused on supporting the acceleration of nanotechnology awareness, education, recognition, funding, research and innovation. Serving as a catalyst for nanotechnologies, the... - October 16, 2008 - Nanotechnology Research Foundation
Connecticut BBB Warns Families About “Grandparent Scam”
Seniors being bilked out of thousands of dollars by crooks posing as family members in need. - October 16, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT
Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Names Carolina Winners
Mary Cantando, one of the key coordinators for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, announced the award winners for the event held on Oct. 7 at the Blake Hotel. Finalists were asked to deliver a business pitch to women entrepreneurs, judges and... - October 15, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
NPSA Hosts Cash Money Machine at Vegas Conference
As the turmoil on Wall Street continues, the National Portable Storage Association is offering conference attendees a sure way to collect some quick cash. - October 14, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association
Anita Borg Institute Announces Record Breaking Attendance for 8th Annual Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Largest Gathering of Women in Computing in the World Highlighted by Keynotes from Industry Luminaries Fran Allen and Mary Lou Jepson; Dissemination of Research Study on Mid-level Technical Women. - October 12, 2008 - Anita Borg Institute
Historic Attendance for Association Meeting
Over 700 persons attended a networking event for construction trade subcontractors to meet with Chicago area general contractors. - October 12, 2008 - ASA Chicago
Deer Season Puts Auto Insurance Coverage to the Test
Few people read their auto insurance policy and are unaware of limitations and extent of coverage. - October 12, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT
Vermont’s Mount Snow Area to Host Masquerade Dinner and Charity Art Auction
Southern Vermont’s Mount Snow Valley region is hosting a swanky formal Black and White Masquerade Charity Dinner and Auction on Saturday October 25th. The event is the grand finale of a summer long public arts project: The Vermonsters of the Deerfield Valley. The Vermonster creations are... - October 11, 2008 - Mount Snow Valley Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Veteran Founded Web Site Gets Ready for Veterans Day 2008
The largest Web site reuniting U.S. veterans - encourages the community to come together this Veterans Day in support and honor of veterans and military personnel nationwide. - October 11, 2008 -
Bama Bus Begins 31-Day Art and Political Engagement Tour Through Battleground States: First Stop in Nevada, Oct. 4/ Last Stop Florida, Nov. 4
Filmmaker Annie Woods and celebrated street artist Gadi are embarking on an expedition across America to rally young voters and raise political awareness through community art. This ambitious venture is a follow-up to the original Obama Mobile’s August voyage to the Democratic National... - October 11, 2008 - Bama Bus
Virtual Assistant Association Hosts Teleseminar on October 16 to Help Small Business Owners Learn More About Business Formations
Small business attorney Nina Kaufman to discuss various business formations and how Virtual Assistants and other small business owners can choose the one that's right for them. - October 10, 2008 - Virtual Assistant Chamber of Commerce
Topaz Partners’ Tim Allik to Discuss Social Media Trends at New England Direct Marketing Association Breakfast
Allik, Topaz Director of Social Media Public Relations, to focus on social media at NEDMA’s “Eyes on the prize: Implementing a social media program with a business mindset” program. - October 09, 2008 - The New England Direct Marketing Association
National Legal Association Recognizes KeyCorp and Joel Stern from Accenture for Diversity Efforts
The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) has announced the recipients of its Annual Diversity Initiative Achievement Award and Annual Award for Outstanding Service by a Council Member. These two top honors will be awarded at NAMWOLF’s Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo at the Marriott – Dallas Las Colinas Hotel on November 13-14. - October 09, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
The Nationwide Veterans Day Parade Directory & Veterans Day Online Forum
In honor and support of U.S. veterans, has created an online Veterans Day parade/events directory along with a Veterans Day online forum free for all visitors to view and submit information to. - October 09, 2008 -
How to Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business
New book taps experience, insight and knowledge to help aspiring VAs profit. - October 08, 2008 - Canadian Virtual Assistant Connection
Connecticut BBB: Looking for a Fast Way to Sell a House?
Trade it in for a new home, but beware. - October 08, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT
Women Presidents’ Organization Sponsors Make Mine A Million $ Business™ Breakfast
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ event (, has announced that the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) will sponsor a breakfast for the event to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S... - October 08, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
Local Brisbane Volunteers to be Recognized at Women’s Group Luncheon
Soroptimist International Brisbane City, a women's service group, is holding a luncheon timed to coincide with United Nations Day to thank volunteers in its community. Richard Cowley is guest speaker on the theme of Peace. Ticket purchases welcome. - October 07, 2008 - Soroptimist International Brisbane City
Young Voters Warn Californians About Impact of Gay Marriage
Young adults desperately warn voters about the unfavorable consequences of same-sex marriage before November's election. Those in favor of Proposition 8, the marriage amendment which defines marriage as only between a man and a woman, are using social internet utilities to inform Californians about the negative impact of same-sex marriage. - October 06, 2008 -
Kingsport Office of Small Business Seeking Entries for Annual 2008 KOSBE Awards
The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) is accepting applications and nominations for its Annual KOSBE Awards. This year there are five areas of competition: one award for Young Entrepreneur (under age 40), one for New Business (in operation for at least 12... - October 05, 2008 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE
Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Names Finalists
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced the award finalists for the event scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 7 at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S. McDowell St. Twenty finalists were selected from applicants... - October 05, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
200th Anniversary of the Abolition of U.S. Transatlantic Slave Trade Commemorated in New York City
Slave Routes: Resistance, Abolition and Creative Progress Symposium to be held at New York University from October 9 – 11, 2008 with Opening Plenary Hosted by Maya Angelou. - October 04, 2008 - Organization of Women Writers of Africa
In-house Counsel from America's Largest Corporations Continue to Show Support for NAMWOLF’S 2008 Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo
The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) is gaining more support from America’s major corporations. - October 03, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Surging Demand Triggers Extension of Speed Venture Summit™ Application Deadline
The NH High Technology Council today announced that it has extended the Speed Venture Summit™ presenter application deadline to October 15, to accommodate surging demand among entrepreneurs to pitch their growth stories. The Speed Venture Summit will feature businesses seeking investment capital pitching directly to top investors on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH. - October 03, 2008 - Speed Venture Summit
Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Names Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue and Secretary of State Elaine Marshall as Keynote Speakers for North Carolina Event
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ event (, has announced that Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue and Secretary of State Elaine Marshall are the keynote speakers for the event to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Blake Hotel, located... - October 03, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
MAA Worldwide and the Globes Awards Announce Nominees for the 2008 "Best in the World" Promotion Marketing Campaign
The annual Globes Awards recognize campaigns that have already won top honors in separate national award programs that are organized in 26 Countries for excellence in promotional marketing. A Globe Award is presented to the campaign receiving the highest marks from an international panel of judges in each of 16 qualifying categories and Each year, the top three campaigns across all categories compete for the coveted “Best in the World” Promotional Marketing Campaign. - October 02, 2008 -
NAMWOLF Members Push for the Inclusion of Minority and Women Owned Businesses in Bailout Legislation
NAMWOLF Members Work to Ensure Minority and Women Owned Law Firms are Included in Congress’ “Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008.” - October 02, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee's Certified Builder Program Helps Provide Home Buyers Peace of Mind
The Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee has announced that it has made its Certified Builder database available to the public through its website. "Buying a new home is one of the most important steps a person can take, but with over 15,000 single-family homes currently on the... - October 01, 2008 - Home Builders Association of Middle Tennessee
Radiancy Introduces MicroPhototherapy for the Ultimate Facial in the Spa Market
Radiancy continues to challenge preconceived notions about light-based treatments with the Facial Skin Care Device, FSD. Radiancy is working with the Day Spa Association to make FSD available to the Spa Industry. This innovation enables owners to expand their businesses by offering their clientele... - October 01, 2008 - The Day Spa Association
Make Mine A Million $ Business™ Names Judges for Women Entrepreneur Event
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ event (, has announced the judges for the event to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S Mcdowell St. Each judge will review women business owners as they pitch... - October 01, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
Chicago Pizza Maker Chosen on America's World Pizza Champions Team
Leo Spizzirri of Giordano’s Famous Stuffed Pizza in Chicago was chosen to be a member of the World Pizza Champions: America’s # 1 Pizza Team. Leo will represent the United States at the World Pizza Championships in Salsomaggiore, Italy in 2009. The 2009 World Pizza Champions Team is... - October 01, 2008 - World Pizza Champions
Anita Borg Institute Change Agent Award Winners Announced
Women from Turkey, Pakistan, and Kenya to Be Honored at Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. - October 01, 2008 - Anita Borg Institute
A Unique New Calendar That Helps Consumers Develop Good Money Saving Habits
The Money Saving Calendar is a unique new calendar that informs people how to save and make money for every month of the year. It will help consumers develop good money saving habits. - October 01, 2008 - Adamsllc
Genetic Performance Solutions Launches Online Registry Service
Genetic Performance Solution, LLC (GPS) is excited to announce that the new online registry service of the Braunvieh Association of America (BAA) is being provided and maintained by GPS. The GPS advanced real time registry program will allow the Braunvieh Association members to do their own... - October 01, 2008 - International Brangus Breeders Association
Strong Investor and Company Demand for Speed Venture Summit
The NH High Technology Council announced strong demand for the first annual Speed Venture Summit™. “Advance registrations by both companies and investors have exceeded expectations,” commented Summit Chair Hollis McGuire." The Summit will feature businesses seeking investment capital pitching directly to top investors on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester, NH. - October 01, 2008 - Speed Venture Summit
Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology Opens Women of Vision Awards Nominations
Awards Celebrate Women Technologists Who Demonstrate Innovation and Leadership, and Whose Work Has Significant Social Impact. - October 01, 2008 - Anita Borg Institute Selects Hannelore Leavy to Advise Mothers on How to Utilize Spa Services to Cope
Hannelore Leavy, Founder and Executive Director of the Day Spa Association and the International Medical Spa Association was recently appointed to be the online expert advisor for day spas and salons to busy mothers on “Since the beginning of our organization,... - September 29, 2008 - The Day Spa Association
NPSA Conference Offers Networking Opps on Vegas Strip
The National Portable Storage Association's 6th Annual Conference & Exposition is chock full of professional networking opportunities 24/7. - September 28, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association
Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Inks Deal with MMI Associates, Inc.
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced that the program has named MMI Associates, Inc. (, a Raleigh-based full-service public relations firm, its agency of record. Make Mine a... - September 28, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
DJs from Across the Globe Unite to Strategically Impact the Music Industry
Union Results in the Formation of the International DJ Trade Association. - September 27, 2008 - The International Disc Jockey Trade Association (IDJTA)
Business Club of the Triangle Donates Golf Tournament Proceeds to Statewide Nonprofit
Communities In Schools of NC chosen to receive raffle proceeds from annual golf tournament. - September 27, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle
TriTech SBDC Funding Conference Shows Entrepreneurs How to Find Financing to Succeed
TriTech funding conference will allow attendees an opportunity to speak with angel investors, learn the A to Z's of raising capital, watch two deal reviews and learn what it takes to get investor attention. Workshops will cover debt financing, SBA loans, securing equity funding, bootstrapping and intellectual property. - September 26, 2008 - TriTech Small Business Development Center
In-House Counsel from America’s Largest Corporations to Participate in NAMWOLF’s Annual Meeting and Law Firm Expo 2008
The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) is pleased to have in-house counsel from Accenture LLP, du Pont, Johnson Controls, Inc., PepsiAmericas, Pfizer, Target and Wal-Mart Stores represented at Annual Meeting 2008. - September 26, 2008 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Make Mine A Million $ Business™ Names Expert Panel for Women in Business Event
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine A Million $ Business™ event (, has announced the expert panelists for the event to be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Blake Hotel, located at 555 S Mcdowell St. Each panel member is a woman in business in North... - September 26, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business
Clinton Global Initiative Website Features Hashoo Foundation’s Women Empowerment Through Honey Bee Farming Project
Hashoo Foundation’s Women Empowerment Through Honey Bee Farming Project will be distinguished for its successful implementation as a "Feature Commitment" on the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Website during the 2008 CGI Annual Meeting in New York, September 24 - 26. - September 25, 2008 - Hashoo Foundation
Dale Rogers Training Center Supports National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
America’s People, America’s Talent, America’s Strength. The Dale Rogers Training Center is joining Congress, the national AbilityOne program, and the State of Oklahoma in the observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month in October. The Dale Rogers Training Center... - September 25, 2008 - Dale Rogers Training Center
CT Better Business Bureau Warns Consumers About iPhone Scams
Thieves targeting new technology consumers. - September 24, 2008 - Better Business Bureau CT
Avon and MTV Executives Honored by Women’s Venture Fund
Leslie Leventman, EVP of MTV Networks and Kim Azzarelli, VP, Corporate Secretary, Avon Products, to be honored by Women’s Venture Fund. The two honorees will be feted at Women’s Venture Fund’s “Defining Moments” Gala on September 23 at Capitale in New York. Bonnie... - September 24, 2008 - Women's Venture Fund
Mayor Patrick L. McCrory Proclaims Tuesday, Oct. 7 as Charlotte Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Day
Mary Cantando, coordinator for the North Carolina Make Mine a Million $ Business™ ( event, has announced that Charlotte Mayor Patrick L. McCrory has proclaimed Tuesday, Oct. 7 as “Charlotte Make Mine a Million $ Business™ Day” in honor of the... - September 24, 2008 - Make Mine A Million $ Business